chapter 44

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a c t i i i.
i am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop.
━━ chapter xliv.


The TV screen came to life, displaying a complicated-looking grid with a whole bunch of names that were mixing together in front of the silent hero. A Shizumi with damp hair dared to look on the board, scanning from A all across the grid to see if her name was there. Please be there, please be there! Her heart was thumping so hard inside of her that she thought it might break open her chest. Where is my name?!

Her heterochromatic eyes stopped upon one particular name, breath hitching in disbelief right there - on the giant TV screen - was her name.

I made it... A huge weight was lifted off her shoulders the longer she gazed upon her name. I MADE IT!

Her smile could not express the joy she was feeling, that happiness bubbling inside her and turning into pure energy. She was practically sparkling just like Aoyama as she jumped up and down, eyes never leaving the board. I did it, I did it, I did it!

I can finally track down Melody and save Tenko!! I can finally start! I can finally go past the starting line!

She had jumped onto Kyouka and began shaking her, eyes full of disbelief and happiness. "Yes, yes, you did it! I did too!!"

"I'm up there!" Mineta cheered nearby. "Just call me a hero!"

Looking around, she saw many of her classmate's faces morph into relief or happiness, all collectively slumping their shoulders or bouncing at their result. Her smile widened even more, all the positive energy around her suddenly charging her up.

Positive energy from others can charge me up?! New discovery!!

"Right on," Kirishima said. "But, uh..." The girl looked at the boy beside the red-haired fellow of hers, and the negative aura around him told her something.

"N-No..." he muttered, pupils dilated to the smallest circle in creation, and face considerably pale.

Her smile dropped and her happiness left her, her eyes suddenly molding no colors. She turned back to face the board, scanning through the B's section over and over again, until she realized it wasn't there. And if it wasn't there, then...

He hasn't passed...?!

Oh...Oh no... She nervously chewed her lower lip, recalling his determination to reach number one since the day she met him. He wanted that position more than anyone... She looked over to Todoroki and Midoriya, seeing opposite reactions.

Midoriya was happy and was crying, and Todoroki was not.

No way...

The two strongest failed...?

How...Why... She suddenly didn't care about her license and that she had gotten it; her friends hadn't gotten theirs. She was standing right next to Bakugo this whole time, jumping and happy, while he was left shocked and in a slump.

G-God...what should I even say to him right now....? Before she could think of anything, she heard her name being called by a familiar voice. "Shizumi-chan!!"

Inasa....? She turned and looked at him, while he held a blush on his cheeks, but his eyes were a little droopy. "I-Inasa-kun...!"

"I couldn't pass, but you did!" She was surprised, he didn't pass either?! "So that's why, I won't propose to you!! Please forget what happened! Someone like me, who can't even get past this test, and didn't have faith in teamwork and couldn't work well with others, doesn't deserve to be beside you!!!"

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