chapter 46

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a c t  i v.
i am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop.
━━ chapter xlvi.


I have done nothing wrong!!

Aizawa's scarf was wrapped around the three of them, including Shizumi, who was being punished for prolonging their fight and getting out after curfew. Small scars and light bruises were present on the troublesome boy's skins, but the redhead came out clean.

"What is the cause of this?" The three of them sweatdropped nervously, teeth gritted, and eyes wide as saucers. Crap, he told us not to tell anyone!! What should we do?!

All Might went up to Aizawa-sensei and began muttering some things, which was probably the reason why the two troublemakers were going out in the first place.

He let the two go, but kept Shizumi in the grip, making her sweatdrop even more nervously than before. "That doesn't explain her disappearance. Shizumi, where were you before 12 am?"

He sternly asked and the girl shivered, while Midoriya also wondered, but Bakugo had a hunch. After his outburst at her, she probably went for a walk to clear her mind, but why stay out until 2 am?

He let her loose as he awaited her explanation from her device, should I just tell him the truth? But Monoma-kun might get dragged into this!! "I-I was out for a walk-"

"Don't lie to me."

She shivered, even more, shaking violently along with the wooden chair she sat on. What can I tell him?! She looked hopefully to All Might, but the man also held a harsh look on his face. She looked with hope flashing in her eyes to her two male friends, only to see them as curious as the two teachers, with no intentions of helping her. THIS IS CRUELTY!

"I can't have you going out during the night, it's dangerous. Your foster parents requested me to take care of you, Shizumi," he lectured and she listened, along with the two boys beside her. "And even more than that, why did you wait ten minutes before coming to All Might and telling him what happened? I watched from the camera y'know."

Midoriya and Bakugo knew she did that, but they had a hard time believing that. It was true, why did she let them go? They thought Shizumi hated fighting like this.

She wondered for a few seconds for a nice answer and typed it out, not scared as before. "Because I knew these two only had one way of figuring each other's feelings out, and that was through fighting. Although, I didn't expect it to be so serious, so I apologize..."

"I'll accept that apology, but for that reason, it can't be helped if you three broke the rules, huh?" They all flinched under their teacher's hard gaze, holding their own nervous looks. Aizawa had a dark aura around him suddenly and they all flinched even more under his angry and unusual gaze, "We can't let it go that easily.

I'll give you the punishment you deserve. Bakugo, Midoriya, who hit first?"

"I did," Bakugo said, and Shizumi was shocked at his admission. 

"I hit him quite hard too," Midoriya also joined in.

Then, the room went quiet and they all turned to Shizumi, who slumped her shoulders down, thinking that she also had the responsibility to say and admit her mistake. "I also let them go and let them fight, and stayed out after curfew."

"I expected this from Bakugo and Midoriya, but not you Shizumi..." she looked down in guilt and stayed quiet, accepting her punishment, but she didn't think what she did was wrong, because if she didn't let them go, the two would refuse to even sit in the room right now, and nothing between them would be fixed.

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