chapter 13

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a c t   i i.
i am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop.
━━ chapter xiv.



The raspy voice full of anger and annoyance shouted at the old woman as she bandaged the ash-blonde's boy's cheek, which was deeply injured from his earlier battle. As he grunted under his breath, his eyes landed on a certain red-haired girl which was covered in bandages. Her mouth was slightly open as she deeply inhaled the air in her unconscious state.

Katsuki had a hard time believing that this girl would have nearly beaten him if it wasn't for his last-minute technique to prevent himself from flying out-of-bounds. She, Shizumi Chikara, had landed harsh blows and nearly knocked him out with her strategy. 

He would be lying if he didn't think that this girl was a little strong, rather than the "fragile girl" his classmates had pointed out at her. Despite how he hated her for her strength, he now knew he was stronger than the girl in many ways, however, he couldn't help but think:

He acknowledged this girl.

"All done. Be careful next time boy!" Recovery Girl scolded Bakugo for his actions as he got up and headed for the door but spared a glance at the red-haired girl's unconscious form. "Worried about her?"

"As if!" Recovery Girl chuckled.

"Light burns, as well as scratches, are covered all over her, together with a little pain in her stomach, but she'll be fine and wake up soon. However..." She walked over to Shizumi and held her bandaged arm. "A few burns are a bit too deep and I don't think I have the power to heal them, so they might remain permanent."


Katsuki slammed the door shut and walked down the hallway, still remembering the fight he had. Knowing he had a little time before his final fight due to Cementoss re-filling the field, he decided to take a walk and clear his mind.


Shizumi was now awake and getting another scolding from her mentor, a little upset from her loss. Recovery Girl had told her that her classmates had tried to visit her, but weren't allowed so they went back sulking. After hearing that, however, she giggled.

"Like I said last time, be careful to not eat too many spicy things, or else your stomach won't be no more!" She walked over to get a few candies from her counter.

"I can barely handle one kid from broken limbs, and now another one?! Honestly, give this old woman a break!" Shizumi sweatdropped, knowing she was talking about Midoriya.

After a few more ranting and scolding, Shizumi finally freed herself from the infirmary and its smell of medicine that she had hated so much. 

Now in the hallway, she began making her way towards her waiting room as instructed, where her new sports uniform would be waiting as the earlier one was burnt from Katsuki's explosions. Of course, she was upset over her loss, but she wasn't disappointed in it and was proud over how she had struggled and had been landed a few harsh blows on THE Baktsuki Bakugou.

Whether or not she had lost, third place was a pretty good achievement for her hero career, and that her growth from a newborn baby bird to an eagle that could take down a flock of crows was very satisfying.

So much for the bandaged arm...Gotta make sure I don't use it too much...She stopped at the sight of a pair of shoes and looked up, her heterochromatic eyes meeting crimson ones. Oh no.

The two had an intense staring competition, neither of them wanting to move from their current positions. Although Shizumi had a determined look in her eyes, she was internally panicking over what the boy could do. I went full power against him, so what else does he want from me?!

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