chapter 3

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a c t i.
i am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop.
━━ chapter iii.


A yawn escaped Shizumi's lips as she walked towards the School Building, the headphones in her ears. She dived into her dream world as she tried to remember the marathon that happened yesterday. Kyouka and she ended up exchanging numbers and chatted away all night. She also gave her a few lessons on the basics of sign language. As the redhead was thinking about her, she felt a hand on her shoulder, which instantly made her turn around.

It was the girl from her class. She had auburn-colored hair and matching eyes and was theyaring the U.A uniform. She began to speak, "Hey! You're the cute girl with the amazing gymnastics skills in her class right? I'm Ochaco Uraraka! What about you?!" She asked with a smile that reminded Shizumi of an angle. She snapped out of her thought and brought out her phone, typing her introduction, as she patiently waited.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Shizumi Chikara, and you're cute as well!" The redhead wrote and displayed it to her. At this, she smiled. While with Ochaco, she was a little confused about why the girl in front of her didn't speak, but she decided not to pry. They both began walking together towards the building, Uraraka trying to make conversation, while Shizumi replied with her phone. As they entered the class, they both said their goodbyes and theynt to their respective seats. Shizumi spotted Kyouka behind her and waved at her, while she waved back. Soon, their classes began.


Morning classes theynt by fast, with lunch arriving. Ochaco invited Shizumi to sit with her friends, to which she accepted, while Kyouka was sitting with some other girls. As she sat down, she tensed as she realized she was sitting with boys. She looked down as she blushed in embarrassment.

I should've sat with Kyouka!!! Shizumi said to her inner-self, panicked. However, the curly-haired boy noticed this. He spoke up, "Hey, you alright? You're shaking a lot," He said with a face full of concern. The mute girl picked her head up and shook it, indicating that she was fine. "I see, I'm glad. A-ah! I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way!" The boy said as he tensed that he was talking to a girl.

Shizumi decided to introduce herself, taking out her notebook, and writing down her introduction. Soon, they both became familiar with each other, Midoriya started asking about her quirk and complimenting her gymnastics skills, while she sheepishly nodded to his questions and explained her quirk. What made her surprised is that Midoriya knew sign language, which made her extremely happy.

When she asked, "How did you know?"

He replied, "Oh, I used to take care of my grandma who became deaf a long time ago. I just ended up learning it!"

Maybe I shouldn't judge boys too much. Maybe they're friendly! She thought with a smile on her face, clearly not having met with the ash-blonde yet.


Present Mic's English class was quite dull, mainly because he kept shouting. Afternoon classes began, which meant...

"I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON," said All Might, the hero she once idolized, as he came through the door, not like a normal person. He walked towards the teacher's desk in his fully equipped hero costume. The students whispered in excitement as All Might spoke, and they all quieted down as he displayed the card with the words 'Battle Training' on it. He began speaking, "And for that, you will need these!!" he said as he took out a remote from his belt, and pressed the button, revealing a row of panels that emerged from the wall.

They all walked towards the Hero Costumes, taking the ones with their respective seat numbers on them. I reached for her seat number, which was number 16, and began walking toward the changing rooms. As the girls entered, Shizumi placed her suitcase on the bench and opened it, mesmerized at the costume they had made as she had requested. However, she waited until all the girls changed so that she could change alone, after all, she can't have them see that. Some of the girls sent questioning looks toward her but decided not to question it. However, Uraraka did.

"Hey, you alright? If you have trouble changing into your costume, I can help!" Uraraka said with a smile. Shizumi was surprised at her kindness but shook her head. "Then, if you say so! I'll be going on ahead then! See you at Ground Beta!" she said as she walked outside the room, leaving Shizumi alone in the room.

She began to take off her clothes and change into her hero costume. After she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror, admiring the details of the costume, and how good it looked on her. Finally, she picked up a band and tied her long hair into a ponytail, and made her way toward Ground Beta. When she arrived, she saw all her classmates wearing amazing suits. Kyouka saw the mute girl and came towards her, curious as to why she acted all distant. She understood that Shizumi was antisocial and all, and that's one of the main reasons she didn't want to leave the girl alone.

"Hey, nice suit you got there! It's way more detailed and designed than what I'm wearing..." She said with a sheepish smile. Shizumi simply shook her head and began telling her that her suit was amazing as with sign language, which she fully understood. After their small conversation, Shizumi looked at Midoriya wearing a green suit that reminded her of a...bunny. She giggled a bit and turned her attention towards their teacher, All Might.

They were having to be in pairs of Heroes and Villains for the class, but due to the odd number in the class, one team would have 3. Sadly, Shizumi was in team J together with a man with hair color similar to hers, and a boy with black hair. She waved at Jiro as a goodbye and made her way toward her new teammates. They immediately recognized her and introduced themselves.

"Yo! The name's Ejirou Kirishima! Your gymnastics skills yesterday were pretty manly!" He said as he raised his fist. She nodded at his introduction and turned towards the other boy, who was patiently waiting for his turn.

"Hey! Hanta Sero! I agree with Kirishima here!" He said while she sheepishly smiled. 'I guess I've become famous for her stunt yesterday huh?' She thought as she open her small notebook in her pockets. She didn't request so many of them for no reason. She wrote down her introduction, and they soon began exchanging information about their quirks for the upcoming battle where they were representing as villains.

The first battle was with Midoriya and Uraraka vs the blond and Iida. She excused herself from Kirishima and Hanta and made her way toward Midoriya and Uraraka. She put her hand on Midoriya's shoulder, making him turn towards me. I quickly gave him the sign of goodbye in sign language, to which he did the same. She waved towards Uraraka and made her way back towards her team, glancing at Iida and the blonde, who was smirking at the thought of crushing Midoriya.

"Young Shizumi, can you come here for a second?" All Might called her name, which left her confused, but nevertheless, she made her way towards him. "Young Shizumi, I have heard that you can use your quirk to heal injuries, correct?" he asked as she nodded. "Good. I want you to heal your classmates if they are injured in some way. Think of this as your own trial, alright?" Shizumi looked hesitant but nodded.




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