chapter 55

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a c t  i v.
i am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop.
━━ chapter lv.


"I-Is she okay?!" Midoriya panicked in his place, flashing his head to his senpai and waiting for an answer. 

"That's his sidekick, Bubble Girl. She must have been punished for not being funny..."

Shizumi hugged her body and closed her armpits, especially her waist. Pleasedontticklemelikethatpleasedontticklemelikethat-

The man that was carrying out the torture turned to look deadly at the two students, and they both felt their bodies weak at his sudden stare. Although this area was closed, not even having any windows - How did he not suffocate?! - the two felt a breeze fly past their figures.

It was a breeze of his dark and intimidating aura. Ah, I see why he needs some humor in his life. He looks so depressed...

Meanwhile, Midoriya was taking this too seriously, because he was already so obsessed with heroes, and being under the gaze of All Might's ex-partner, he definitely felt determined to prove himself.

And then, out of nowhere, he pulled a face that was just like All Might's, all dark and eyes shadowed, with wrinkles and all. "I am here, Midoriya Izuku!!"

In all honesty, Shizumi would've cracked up on the spot and started hysterically laughing, perhaps even taking a picture and posting it on the class group chat and see all those different reactions from her classmates, because oh boy, that was one look, one look to record into history books or post online that could get a hundred million views in seconds. But she held it all in because even Togata's surprised look was one to record in history books, so she stopped herself, waiting to see Sir Nighteye's laugh-

"You..are you insulting All Might?"

Plan backfired. Evacuate the building ASAP-

"You brat, what's up with that face?" Midoriya had thunder going around in his background and he sweatdropped nervously, pulling his face up and not returning it to normal. Nighteye walked up to him and glared at him, and she could finally get a good look at him.

Sir Nighteye was a tall, lean-but-muscular man with rather sharp and elongated features. His shiny hair was always worn smoothed down and parted to his left, and was of a dark green color, with three yellow streaks towards the front, two on his right, and one on his left. His eyebrows were also yellowish, matching the rims of the triangular glasses he wore and the strikingly bright-yellow irises of his stern-looking eyes. His looks gave off a sense of authority and were pretty good at showing it too.


Wait, that's right, his quirk...

Shizumi was kind of glad that it wasn't her that pulled a Bakugo face when they came in the room, because of the glare the poor boy was getting if she had gotten it, she would've started crying on the spot like a crybaby.

"U-Um, no, I-I-!"

"Did you do that knowing I'm All Might's ex-partner?" He began to have his hands all over his face, examining his look that Shizumi was sure was definitely of All Might's, but the ex-partner began proving her wrong.

"All Might doesn't have wrinkles like this. The wrinkle at the corner of his eyes normally ranges about 0.6cm, and since the whole silver age, it was about 0.8cm. Even unauthorized merchandise can produce All Might in which you can recognize which age it's from. Don't you know this?"

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