chapter 28

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a c t i.
i am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop.
━━ chapter xxviii.


"Shizu," a nostalgic and dry voice which screamed the emotion of tired and bored called out from beside the one and only redhead, who was munching on a mouthful of salted chips that left cracking voices to emit between the two of them in the room. "Oi Shizu, it's my turn to switch the playlist!"

The said girl pouted childishly, pulling herself up from Kyouka's bed and pouting at her, before handing her phone to the rockstar girl. Shizumi had to say; her best friend's room was quite punk rock, as expected from the girl.

It was filled to the brim with musical instruments of every variety and every name she could think of - even some she had no idea existed. She can play all of these?! Shizumi thought when she had first entered her room, bewildered as she gazed around the room. It had a checkerboard, 70s diner vibe to it, but with a rock 'n' roll twist. 

All in all, Shizumi believed that it had truly described the inner Kyouka Jir that she wouldn't let anybody see, of course, except herself.

"Ah," an elderly voice called out from the door, where she darted her dual-colored eyes to see the one and only mother of her bestie, Mika Jiro. She was a slender woman who wore glasses with black frames. Her hair was straight, short, and dark purple in color, with bangs that fall to the right side of her face. Her outfit consisted of a collared shell top, a pencil skirt, and tights.

And, finally, like Jiro Kyouka, Mika has plug-like earlobes.

Personality-wise, the kind woman that welcomed Shizumi with open arms and called her cute while she pinched her chubby cheeks, was a very nice person. She was the type of mother that let her daughter explore all sorts of stuff, and was extremely supportive of her as well. It had looked like her best friend got most of her personality from her mother's side.

"Children, having fun? Do you need any more snacks or drinks perhaps?" She called out, and as a response, the now sitting up ultramarine-haired girl only shook her head, dressed in a vest that said "ROCK!" in a very punky way, with black trousers that looked quite comfortable. 

"Nah, we're good," her mother nodded in response and closed the door, leaving the teens to return to their previous, disturbed bickering of who was going to play their playlist next.

"Shizu, it's my turn!!"

"No, Kyouka-chan! I wanna do something more productive!" The girl raised a brow at her bicker, picking a chip from the packet and nibble on it.

"Like what?"

Shizumi put a finger under her chin, thinking of something that could light up the mood in the room, and at the same time, learn more about her best friend's personality. Her eyes lit up after a few seconds; there were a lot of instruments in the room, and Kyouka did say she could play them, didn't she?

"Oh! I wanna hear you sing and play something!" At the thought of singing and playing an instrument in front of someone, the shy yet punk girl erupted a light shade of pink, averting her triangular eyes away from the right ones that reminded her of the sun.

"A-As if! Besides, I'm not even that good..." Kyouka began to play with her earphone-jacks, bringing their tips together and pulling away as if they were her fingers instead, not daring to play the game of recklessness and look at the redhead, who cutely tilted her head. "Besides, it's something I only do for a hobby, and completely off-topic from my heroic life..."

Shizumi comfortably placed her own hand on her friends, making her triangular eyes finally dart to her, who was looking at her kindly, with a bright star twinkling within them. "Your hobbies have nothing to do with your heroic life, Kyouka-chan. Your personality has nothing to do with it either! You're you, even if you are a hero, and the Kyouka-chan I know is perfect the way she is."

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