chapter 2

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a c t i.
i am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop.
━━ chapter ii.


The sounds of the alarm clock vibrated in Shizumi's ears as she is pulled out of her dream world. Her eyes flutter open as if she has awoken from a slumber, and glanced at the clock to check the time. 7:14, it read. She jumped off her bed at the thought of being late for her first day at school and immediately began doing her morning routine.

She brisk walked to the washroom and washed her face to freshen up herself. As she placed her hands at both sides of the sink, she glanced at her hands that were wrapped in bandages. Shizumi walked out of the washroom and took out her new uniform, neatly pressed, out of the wardrobe, and began changing into it. Of course, she didn't forget to wear her black leggings. After wearing her attire, she brushed her long, red hair and left it loose.

She made her way to the kitchen, where she saw Suga lying in the corner sleeping like a log. She took out an apple from the refrigerator and made her way to the exit of the house. She wore her school shoes and glanced at her family photo before she left. I'll be going now, Shizumi thought as she left her apartment and made her way to the pavement. She pulled out her earphones and plugged them in her ears, put on some chillstep music, and began to walk.

As she continued walking, far away, she saw the tall building covered in glass, reflecting the sky and immediately thought it was the school she was heading to. She picked up the pace and soon reached the building. She went inside the building and began to search for her class. As she ran up the stairs, glancing right and left, she reached a giant door that read 1-A. Thinking she reached her destination, she took out her notebook and a pencil, gathered up courage and grabbed the door handle, sliding the door.

Her view was of a boy with glasses, who was scolding an ash-blond haired boy who had his feet on the table. They both glanced at her, and she immediately tensed at the attention she was having. Slowly, the boy with glasses went up to her.

"Nice to meet you, I am Iida Tenya from Soumei Private Academy. I look forward to being your classmate", said the male as he brought his hand in a shaking manner. Shizumi panicked at the thought of introductions, but it wasn't her fault. After all, she never had any friends. She immediately shook off the thought and opened her notebook, and began writing down in it. At this, the male became confused but waited until she was done. As soon as she was done, she brought up her notebook, allowing the latter to read what she had written.

Nice to meet you too. My name is Shizumi Chikara, and I look forward to being your classmate as well.

Tenya became confused at why this girl would write down what she had to say instead but decided not to question it. Shizumi gave Tenya a close eyed smile and waved at him as a signal of goodbye, and made her way to her seat, glancing around the class in the process.  As she made her way towards it, which was in front of the ash-blond male, he glared at her as if she was his prey. It sent shivers down her spine, but nevertheless, she sat down in front of him. The quiet girl decided not to talk to him, as she knew that he didn't like her at all.

Deciding that no one else wanted to talk to her, she plugged in her earphones and put her head down in her hands.


After taking a short nap, she got up from her position and glanced at the door, where she saw Tenya talking with some students at the door. One was a boy with green curly hair while the girl had cute bob auburn hair. Deciding she wanted to hear their conversation, Shizumi unplugged her earphones and began listening to them.

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