The Introduction

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This story is purely a work of fiction. Although it casts real life people and depicts them a certain way, in no way shape or form are they a reflection of the actual person.

I own nothing except the plot of this story, the artwork (not photos), the characters Ava, Maggie, Lucienne and a few others to be introduced as the story progresses.

Any similarities to other stories are not intended, and purely coincidental.

This story may contain the following:

Mild to strong language
Adult humor
Sexual content - Mild to NSFW

Additional and specific warnings will be provided at the start of each chapter.

Author's Note:

I've always wanted to write a Sebastian x Reader story, but I find it a hassle to write "Y/N'' all the time, so in this story, you, my readers, are the beautiful Ava Leigh Molina. This will be written mostly in real-life with some social media thrown in when necessary (because I do love me some socmed fics). This will be written in third person POV, in present tense.

That said, just a note... I am a scriptwriter by profession, and it has been a long while since I wrote in book format. If there are instances where a character's action gets very descriptive, that is my scripting self showing through - I apologize in advance.

The timeline of some real-life events are skewed to fit the story. While this story is not particularly a slowburn, it's not a fast dive either... I hope to bring you through a natural build up of the characters and bring you on a journey with them. I promise it's going to be a feel-good, fluffy story with little bits of angst thrown in - Because hey, what is life without some angst?

I really hope you enjoy Milk & Roses as much as I love writing it.

Much love,

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