Chapter 8: Coincidence or Synchronicity

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"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them
when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself,
and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
-- Marilyn Monroe

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Drive 495 Gym, New York -- Afternoon

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Drive 495 Gym, New York -- Afternoon

The meeting with Emily ran longer than Sebastian expected. She, as usual, had informed him of the updated timeline of his schedule for the next few months. Now that they're getting close to the end of filming for The Falcon & The Winter Soldier, she has been working with Anthony's manager to work out scheduling for the comic con tour coming up and the press tour after that once the series goes into post production.

Sebastian has a love-hate relationship with press tours. Being a naturally shy introvert, and an empath, he feeds off other people's energy - dealing with the press alone gives him anxiety. He will forever be glad Anthony adopted him. They work great together and that's why they make such good friends.

Honestly, Sebastian is excited for the series. It's definitely something he and Anthony have been working hard for and he hopes it meets and exceeds the expectations of the fans. Bucky Barnes has changed his life in tremendous ways he never dared imagined and as much as he would love to continue playing him forever, his age is catching up to him.

He's come to a point where he's seriously looking for a partner in his life, someone who he can devote his life to and someone to share life experiences with. He thought he had that with Alejandra. But it is what it is. He is just glad it ended before it got too serious. He's just tired, tired of starting all over again and again. Sebastian's never been super religious but lately he's been spending nights alone just thinking, praying... talking hopefully to a higher power...

Okay, I'm done now. Just lay it out for me. I'll leave it all up to you.

"You know, those weights aren't gonna carry themselves right?" Don Saladino, good friend and Sebastian's personal trainer, calls out to him from the other side of the gym.

Sebastian has been sitting on the bench facing the mirror, his water bottle hanging loosely in his hand, for the past ten minutes.

"Come on, you're not gonna let me take a break now?" Sebastian asks jokingly as Don approaches him.

It's almost 5pm. The gym is almost empty except for them and a couple other regulars.

"You were way past taking a break, you're zoning out," Don replies as he leans against the wall opposite Sebastian.

Sebastian sighs, running a hand over his face, suddenly feeling exhaustion creeping up on him.

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