Chapter 16: What If This Actually Works

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"And suddenly you know:
It's time to start something new
and trust in the magic of beginnings.."

- - Johannes Eckhart

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Ritz Carlton Hotel, Atlanta -- Night

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Ritz Carlton Hotel, Atlanta -- Night

It is almost 11pm. Ava tosses and turns in bed, sleep is eluding her. She cannot stop thinking about a certain blue-eyed actor, who happened to have asked her out on a breakfast date tomorrow. She's not nervous. Of course not. It has been only one year since her last date.

No biggie.

Ava groans and pulls the comforter over her head. She turns over in bed and screams into her pillow. Why is she freaking out anyway? How is tomorrow going to be any different than other times they've hung out?

She needs to talk to Maggie. Ava flings the comforter open and clumsily gets out of bed. She reaches for her phone, currently charging on the dresser. Pressing "3" on speed dial, she waits as it rings. It rings for a while before finally a groggy voice answers.

"What, woman?" Maggie greets begrudgingly.

"I hate you," Ava deadpans into the phone.

"I love you too, chica." Ava can almost hear Maggie rolling her eyes. "What's going on?"

Ava sighs. "I have a date. Tomorrow morning."

That seems to fully awaken Maggie. "You do! Wow... I expected it to happen when you're both back in New York. But props to Seb for grabbing the opportunity there... wait, it's Seb, right?"

"Yes, it's Sebastian."

"You said yes, right?"

"Of course I did."

"Ah, okay... so now, you think you're freaking out about that."


"You're not."

"Ummm... Yes, I think I would know when I'm freaking out."

"No... you're actually not freaking out. You think you should be freaking out, but you're not. And THAT freaks you out."

"That makes no sense whatsoever."

"The fact that this whole thing is actually NOT freaking you out means it feels right, and you hate that."

"That's not true," Ava scoffs.

"Ava, I know you. You're used to expecting the worst, and when things go right, you're just waiting for something bad to happen. Listen to me, woman. Bad things will happen anyway. But that doesn't mean you have to stop living. You're the one who told me that. Now take your own advice and man up."

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