Chapter 12: Falling Slowly

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"I don't know you but I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react.
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out"

- Falling Slowly; Glen Hansard, Markéta Irglová

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Greenpoint, Brooklyn - Morning

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Greenpoint, Brooklyn - Morning

It is 10am on a Monday morning - and by Ava's standards, she is late - something that Donna took notice of the moment she stepped foot in Milk & Roses Cafe. "Well, will you look at that, I never thought you're even capable of being 5 minutes late," Donna teases, her eyes twinkling.

Ava sighs dramatically, resting the back of her hand against her forehead in mock swooning, even putting on her best Scarlett O'Hara impression. "What can I say, I was extremely tired out by the hunk of a man who swept me off my feet last night!"

Ava then squeals and jumps back to avoid Donna swatting her dishrag in her direction. "Careful bubba, don't let poor Sebastian hear you joking like that. You're going to break his heart," she chides playfully, her eyes cutting to the tall Romanian currently sitting at the familiar corner booth.

He has his back facing the entrance, hunched over - seemingly busy typing on his phone, a large black luggage parked beside the table.

Ava's eyes follow Donna's line of vision. She raises her eyebrows, pleasantly surprised to see him there. She thought he'd already be on his 8am flight to Atlanta for filming - at least that was what he mentioned when they last spoke at Maggie's premiere.

Ava doesn't even bother hiding her smile from Donna. This pleases Donna greatly, of course. Oh, she knew what went on last Thursday. Maggie told her all about it over the weekend when she came over to the cafe with her fiance - such a beautiful couple. Now, her mission was to get Sebastian and Ava together, but it seems like they don't need her help at all. Donna supposed it was fate.

It was about time Sebastian found someone who can give him what he deserves, someone lasting, someone who will take none of his crap, if so ever happens - someone like Ava. Sure, it has been only over a month since she met the girl, but Donna has always had good instincts - and she'd bet all her assets that Ava will be good for Sebastian - not like all the celebrities he dated before.

And as for Ava - Donna knows that Sebastian will, without a shadow of a doubt, be good to her. Heaven knows that the girl needs good in her life.

"You're not going to say hi? He's been waiting for you, you know?" Donna prods on, nodding her head towards Sebastian.

Ava turns to Donna, her eyes questioning. "Has he?"

"For the past two hours actually."

"Well, I shouldn't keep him waiting now should I?" Ava grins.

"No, you shouldn't," Donna answers, waving her away.

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