Chapter 7: Small World

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"It's a small world but we run in big circles."
-- Sasha Azevedeo

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Greenpoint, Brooklyn NY - - Morning

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Greenpoint, Brooklyn NY - - Morning

Like every other Monday morning for the past month, Ava makes her way to Milk & Roses cafe - a literal 4 minute walk. She definitely needs to get started on her book today. She's stalled long enough. Lucienne, her book agent, called again last night asking for updates on the progress of the book. Her publishers are itching for new material to ride on the success of her previous title. Ava understands the business, but writing takes time, patience and inspiration, and lately she seemed to be short on the inspiration department. She's been having a writer's block and had to lie - kind of - to Lucienne. She already has her characters, story beats and outline done - she just needs to start writing it. She's procrastinated long enough... And her favorite cafe is just the perfect place to get her brain juice flowing.

As she nears the quaint and rustic cafe, the smell of steaming hot brewed coffee invades her nostrils, bringing a smile to her face.

"Good morning my dear," Donna warmly greets from behind the counter. "The usual for you?"

"Morning Donna. Yes, please. Oh, with an extra espresso shot, if possible? I'm going to need it today," Ava replies as she walks to her usual corner booth.

"You need to watch your caffeine intake my dear." Donna replies, turning around to get Ava's coffee order.

Ava sets down her bag on the table - the booth quickly becoming her favorite spot in the cafe. Located in the quiet corner, away from the crowd - a perfect place to see, but not exactly be seen. Ava fishes out her laptop, notebook and writing materials from her bag, setting them neatly on the table before walking back towards the counter.

Leaning against the counter top, Ava's eyes scans the cafe, taking in the almost empty tables.

"Looks like it's a slow morning today," she comments.

Donna chuckles, "No dear, you're just very early. Give it another 10 minutes."

Donna places Ava's cup of coffee on a small tray and then reaches over to the glass display to grab a warm blueberry muffin.

"Freshly baked, just for you. On the house."

She places the muffin next to the coffee and gently pushes the tray towards Ava.

"Aww... my favorite! Thank you Donna, you're an angel, you know that right?" Ava squeals, her smile widening.

"Of course I know," Donna states knowingly, her eyes twinkling.

Ava grabs the tray and returns to her booth, ready to begin working. Opening her laptop, Ava notices patrons gradually streaming in for their morning coffee run on the way to work. Ava smiles and plugs in her earbuds, opening her writing playlist on spotify.

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