Chapter 15: Social Media

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📍 ADios Cafe - Atlanta, Georgia

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liked by boholland, ashleywatson and 1,874 others

emma.kylie Imagine going to work feeling the absolute worst and then meeting @iamsebastianstan during your shift. He truly is the sweetest! 😍 Made my whole week!

tagged @iamsebastianstan

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ashleywatson OMG! WTH! No fair!! The one day I got sick, Sebastian Stan came by! 😭💔

username1 He's so tall!

boholland Damn, I should've asked them for a photo too!

username2 Them?? Who was he with? Was it Anthony Mackie?? They're filming in Atlanta, now I think.

boholland @username2 Lol no, he was with a girl.

ashleywatson @boholland 😱 Did he get back with his ex?!

username2 @boholland Say what? What did she look like?

ashleywatson @boholland @emma.kylie Was this the girl? @ale_onieva

boholland @ashleywatson Nope! She has black hair, quite tall and super hot! Probably a model or something.

emma.kylie @ashleywatson She's very pretty, and super nice too! She's actually the one who asked if I wanted a photo with him and then took this photo for me.

username1 Aww... that's nice! She seems sweet!

username2 Ok, how can we be sure she's not like his PA or something? 🤔

boholland @username2 Oh, they were definitely on a date... 😉

ashleywatson What what what! They kissed or what??!! #spillthetea ☕️ 🐸

emma.kylie @ashleywatson Well, neither corrected me when I apologized for interrupting their "date". I even mentioned it twice! 🧐

username1 @emma.kylie hmm 🤔 so sus! 😆

boholland @ashleywatson Nah, we didn't see any PDA. But homeboy couldn't take his eyes off of her.. 👀 I mean, I don't blame him.

emma.kylie Omg yes! Even if they're not together (yet 😉), they're definitely dating. I think.

username2 Ok, now I'm curious who she is!!

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