The Cast

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Ava Leigh Molina (faceclaim: Hanli Hoefer)34 years oldSingleNovelist (under an Alias: Alex Bolin) & Occasional musician

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Ava Leigh Molina (faceclaim: Hanli Hoefer)
34 years old
Novelist (under an Alias: Alex Bolin) & Occasional musician

"Speaking through my fingers because words flow better on paper then on the tongue."

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Sebastian Stan39 years oldSingle

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Sebastian Stan
39 years old
Single... again

"Listen, even if you're on the right track, you'll still get run over if you just sit there.
You gotta keep moving."

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Anthony Mackie43 years oldDivorced with 4 kidsBest friends with Sebastian

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Anthony Mackie
43 years old
Divorced with 4 kids
Best friends with Sebastian

"You ain't sleek, boy... I see you, I see you. You fallin' hard"

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Chace Crawford37 years oldSingleBest friends with Sebastian

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Chace Crawford
37 years old
Best friends with Sebastian

"Look, I'm the last person you should be asking for relationship advice. But here's one anyway... if it feels right, it's right."

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Chris Evans41 years oldRelationship status: SingleClose friends with Sebastian

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Chris Evans
41 years old
Relationship status: Single
Close friends with Sebastian

"Sometimes the best way to move on, isn't to move on."

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Margaret "Maggie" Spencer-King (faceclaim: Necia Crump)34 years old

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Margaret "Maggie" Spencer-King (faceclaim: Necia Crump)
34 years old

College roommates & Best friends with Ava
Film Producer

"Don't drink that, you need something stronger."

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Donna Carter (faceclaim: Emma Thompson)60 years oldOwner of Milk & Roses Cafe & BistroSelf proclaimed Matchmaker

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Donna Carter (faceclaim: Emma Thompson)
60 years old
Owner of Milk & Roses Cafe & Bistro
Self proclaimed Matchmaker

"Oh, will you look at that... You're single, he's single... so mingle!"

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