Chapter 13: Slow & Steady

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"Oh, I got plenty
I've done and seen em' all
but of you there ain't many
Said they'd win the race
so I'm slow and I'm steady
but we can't move this slow
in a Bentley..."

- BTBT; B.I feat DeVita

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Trilith Studios, Atlanta - Afternoon

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Trilith Studios, Atlanta - Afternoon

"So you gonna tell me about her?" Anthony asks as he plops down on the couch, downing back a bottle of water.

It has been 3 days into their filming at Trilith Studios in Atlanta. Sebastian and Anthony are taking their break in Sebastian's trailer as Wyatt and Clé currently shoot their scenes. Melissa, Sebastian's hair and makeup artist perks up at the mention of a "her". From her corner where she has been quietly taking her lunch, she turns to Sebastian who is sitting in front of the mirror - texting on his phone, before cutting her eyes to Anthony.

"What's this? Who is this "her" and why am I only hearing about this now?" she asks.

Anthony laughs. "Oh now, this is interesting! Even Mel doesn't know about her! And you tell Mel everything!"

Crushing her sandwich wrapper in her hand and tossing it into the bin, she stands and waddles over to Anthony, sitting beside him - resting her hand over her 6 month pregnant belly.

"That's right! I have to say, I'm fairly disappointed... Now, I have to know!" She exclaims.

Realizing that Sebastian has been ignoring their questions - with a smile etched to his face, Anthony and Melissa can only guess that the person he seems to be busy texting is none other than this mystery "her". Grabbing the small cushion behind him, Anthony throws it in Sebastian's direction, hitting him on the head.

"Fuck!" Sebastian cries out as he drops his phone on the floor. He hastily bends over and checks for any permanent damage before sighing in relief when he finds none. He looks over to the two culprits by the sofa who are, at the moment, giggling away like little school kids.

"This girl's got you whipped, man," Anthony states.

Sebastian rolls his eyes before sending a quick text and pocketting his phone.

"Come on Seb, tell us about her. What's her name? How did you meet? What does she do?" Melissa coaxes, batting her long lashes at him.

Sebastian huffs, knowing that he'll get no relief from their persistent prodding until he gives them the details. Both of them combined are worse than your average highschool gossip mongers.

"Her name is Ava. We officially met at a cafe back in New York. She's a book author."

"Aww, come on, you can do better than that! What's she like? Is she pretty?" Melissa asks.

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