Chapter 5: Hello Stranger

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"There are chance meetings with strangers that interest us from the first moment, before a word is spoken."

-- Fyodor Dostoevsky

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JFK Airport, New York — Noon

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JFK Airport, New York — Noon

Airports are generally crowded to begin with. Littered with people with only one of two intentions - coming in or getting the heck out of here. Courtesy is a rare find in places like this. Now airports during the weekend, it is a dream come true for Ava - who is currently looking for inspiration for characters she's writing. She has been at the airport for almost 3 hours, and found herself tucked in a nice cozy corner at the front of the Starbucks where she's able to watch the airport rush.

She has left her laptop behind today, opting instead, for her trusty notebook to jot down interesting points, features, characteristics of people that catch her attention. She glances down at her notes on the table. So far she's gotten:

The Sleepyheads
The Harried Parents
The Entitled
The Last-Minuters
The Insta-Celebs
The Lovebirds

Ahh, the wonder of people-watching. And Maggie thinks it's creepy. Ava smiles to herself. A sudden loud commotion at the exit of the arrival gate catches her attention. She, like many other patrons around her, cranes her neck to see what is going on. Camera flashes around the small crowd clued Ava in on what exactly is happening.

Urgh.. Paps. Wonder which celebrity they're hounding now. Ava thinks to herself as she shrugs it off and turns back to her notes. Adding in another character to her list:

Famous Celebrities

She pauses for a moment before chuckling to herself and strikes it off. She doesn't need another headache thinking about celebrities and their unnecessary drama storyline for her book. Ava's phone vibrates on the table.

Hey, you're still going to make it for the fitting at 1, right?

"Shit." Ava curses under her breath. She glances at the large clock hanging from the ceiling of the terminal. 12:15 PM.

"Shit, shit, shit."

Ava hastily grabs her book and items on the table, and stuff them into her bag. She stands and shoulders her bag before maneuvering herself around the crowded Starbucks tables.

"Sorry, excuse me... coming through..." She mutters apologetically to the irritated patrons.

Finally able to free herself, Ava jogs through the terminal to head for the carpark. She expertly whizzes in between bodies as her hand digs through her bag for her car keys. With her phone balancing between her ear and shoulder, she quickens her pace towards the exit.

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