Chapter 18: And So It Begins

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"To be honest, I like you. I really adore you.
So while I hide my thoughts, just hold me silently.
You know love is in the air, so let's see where it goes.
So if it's really meant to be,
our hearts won't be able to pretend anymore."

- - Adore You; iKON

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Stanton Publishing, Atlanta -- Morning

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Stanton Publishing, Atlanta -- Morning

Ava walks through the glass doors towards the reception desk where a petite redhead sits, her eyes focused on the screen before her. She barely acknowledges Ava as she steps up to the desk. Ava sees her eyes widen, finally realising just who stands before her. A toothy smile spreads across her pretty face.

"Miss Molina!" she greets enthusiastically.

"Hello, Jackie. How have you been?" Ava asks, chuckling at the twenty two year old's bright personality. Goodness knows this place could use a sunshine like her.

"I'm doing great! You're here for a meeting with Lucienne?"

"Yup, I'm a little early though."

Jackie shakes her head. "No problem. She's not meeting anyone right now. I'm sure she'll see you. Let me buzz you up," she says as she reaches for the phone.

Ava takes a moment to take in her surroundings. It has been almost a year since she's stepped foot in the agency. Most of their meetings for the past year have been through zoom calls - because COVID.

So when Lucienne emailed telling her that she would like to come to New York to meet up with her, Ava was quick to offer to come to Atlanta instead. So yes, she may have taken the opportunity because she knows a certain someone will be filming here at the same time.

Sure, call me a stalker then. He does.

Heat floods Ava's face, thinking of Sebastian and their make out session on the roof. Their brunch date the following morning was much more tame in comparison. There's just an easiness with Sebastian that she has never had with any other guy before - and that both surprises her and scares her at the same time. There is no denying the chemistry and attraction between them, not nothing could have prepared Ava for the onslaught of electricity the moment their lips touched.

Now she was free falling with no parachute strapped to her back - she can only hope Sebastian is there to catch her in the end.

Before her thoughts run further, Jackie's voice catches her attention.

"Go on in, Miss Molina."

"Thank you Jackie," Ava sends her a nod and a smile before walking past her desk and into the hallway leading to Lucienne's office.

Knocking twice on the door, a muffled voice tells her to enter. Lucienne is fifty six but looks at least a decade younger. Dressed in a beige pantsuit, her hair pulled in her usual french twist, Lucienne is nothing if not professional. Ava met her during one of her writing workshops back in LA and they hit it off right away. With a ringlet of successful thrillers under her belt, Ava knew Lucienne was the person she'd trust with her manuscripts - and she was right.

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