Chapter 17: Social Media

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📍Cafe Comma, Atlanta

Liked by @chacecrawford, @anthonymackie, @chrisevans and 1,568,279 others

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Liked by @chacecrawford, @anthonymackie, @chrisevans and 1,568,279 others

Tagged: @leighmolina

iamsebastianstan When I refused to get her coffee after brunch, she ignored me by reading the Jungle Book IN FRENCH! #idontlikebeingignored #shetoldmetokeepherincheck

chacecrawford Get the woman her coffee then!

anthonymackie @leighmolina Come by the set, I'll get you your coffee! ☕️

iamsebastianstan @chacecrawford No. She's on a caffeine break.

iamsebastianstan @anthonymackie Stop tempting her with coffee!

chrisevans That's not how you treat your girl, Seb... I taught you better. Tsk tsk tsk 😒

Leighmolina @chacecrawford, @anthonymackie, @chrisevans Aww thanks guys... #swooning 🫠

maggiespencer That's right, @iamsebastianstan, STAND YOUR GROUND! This woman needs to learn some self control. #nomorecoffee

leighmolina @maggiespencer Excuse me! As my best friend, you're supposed to be on my side here... 💔 #traitor

username1 Girl, if your man says it's no good for you... it's no good for you. Listen to him... Especially if your man is Sebastian friggin Stan! 😆😆

username2 I still cannot get over the fact that Seb's 3 best friends are bullying him for not treating her right. HOW TO BE @leighmolina 😩

username3 Who is she even?🧐

username2 @username3 "Seb's girl", according to @chrisevans apparently. 🤭🤭

username4 I think it's safe to say they're dating now?😯🧐

chacecrawford @username4 Lizzo said it best... 😉 😉 😉

username5 @chacecrawford, @username4 hahahaha! ABOUT DAMN TIME!

ashleywatson @emma.kylie @boholland OMG! Is this her?😱

boholland @ashleywatson Boom! Hell yeah! We were right! @emma.kylie!

emma.kylie @ashleywatson @boholland Ahhh! I'm so happy! They look so good together!😍

username2 @boholland Hold up hold up, what are y'all on about??

boholland @username2 Check out
@emma.kylie latest post! She served them for lunch a few days ago!

username2 @boholland @emma.kylie YOOO!! You guys are so friggin' lucky to see them in person!!! 😱

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