Chapter 1: New Beginnings Part 1

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"No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, and has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one!"

― C. JoyBell C.

Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY — Afternoon

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Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY — Afternoon

The soft chatter amongst the small crowd in the quaint cafe sends a small shiver of comfort to Ava as she settles in the small corner booth - her usual spot for the past 3 weeks. A small smile plastered on her lips, her pen dancing across her notebook as she eyes a man making small talk to his female companion by the bar. His shoulders hunched over, arms crossed and resting against the bar table, leaning close to her, paying her the utmost attention. He is whipped, Ava thought. She jots down a few more notes and closes her book. Reaching over to the left, Ava brings the still warm cup of coffee to her lips, savoring the taste of glorious caffeine. She sighs, content - Yup, definitely the best coffee in New York.

Ava sits back against the soft leather couch, her coffee in her hands as her gaze wanders around the cafe, taking in every single detail. The rows and rows of books lined up against the wall, the old piano that she sometimes took the liberty to play on, to the spacious outdoor dining just beyond the glass door on her right - everything about Milk & Roses Cafe & Bistro feels comfortable to her - almost feels like home.

The chime of the front door opening catches her attention. A tall, leggy woman saunters through the door, lowering her sunglasses as her eyes search the cafe looking for someone. Finally spotting the person she is looking for, she grins and quickens her pace. Ava smiles as the woman halts by her table.

"Will you look at that! Ava Leigh has finally arrived in the big city!" She silently squeals.

Ava chuckles and stands, grabbing her best friend into a tight embrace.

"Hey chica," Ava greeted Maggie.

After a while they part and Maggie slides into the seat opposite Ava, her legs bouncing in excitement.

Ava and Maggie met as roommates in Dodge College in Orange County and became fast friends. Maggie had majored in Film and Television Production whilst Ava had taken up Writing for Film and Television. After college, Maggie went to work for several productions and live her dream in Hollywood and Ava took a year break traveling. It was during her travels that she started writing. It began with a short story with the intent to turn it into a script.. but that suddenly manifested into a 300-page manuscript instead. And Ava never looked back. Ava and Maggie stayed in touch online, and through occasional phone calls, but it was another 2 years before they met again at an after party for a film Maggie had worked on - she had specifically sent Ava an invite to introduce Ava to her then producer boyfriend Ashton King. Now 2 years later, Maggie had moved in with Ashton, now her fiance, in their lavish New York house, planning for her wedding.

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