Chapter 11: Social Media

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📍 Radio City Music Hall, New York

liked by chacecrawford, leighmolina, anthonymackie, chrisevans and 204,983 others

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liked by chacecrawford, leighmolina, anthonymackie, chrisevans and 204,983 others

iamsebastianstan Premiere of Autumn Calling. Got to bring my date home later 😏

tagged: @chacecrawford

View all 6097 comments

username1 Hey good lookin'! We don't have to date, you can just bring me home 😘

username2 Chace needs to meet up with Sebastian more often! We've been getting amazing quality content this week!! 😆

username3 You both look dashingly handsome! #friendshipgoals

anthonymackie I'm offended thought I was #friendshipgoals @username3

chrisevanss Sigh... I remember those times when I was #friendshipgoals #stucky #evanstan @username3

username3 omg what is happening! Both @anthonymackie and @chrisevans replied to my comment! 😭 I'm sorry! You're all #friendshipgoals! ♥️

chacecrawford Get in line! The OG coming through! I call dibs. I've known him longest. @anthonymackie @chrisevans

leighmolina Wow, imagine having handsome men fight for your attention... a girl can only dream

username4 Ahh! #PrincessAva speaking for all of us! 🙇‍♀️ 👸

iamsebastianstan @leighmolina Yes, I am very desirable indeed 😉

leighmolina @iamsebastianstan Oh, I can see that...😏

username5 Yooo!! @leighmolina is back on her socials! And is friends with SEBASTIAN STAN! Say whuuutt! 😱

chacecrawford Oh hello there @leighmolina... 👀

leighmolina Hahaha! Hi Chace... @chacecrawford

iamsebastianstan @chacecrawford Hey! Go make your own friends.

chacecrawford @iamsebastianstan I make my own friends! As I recall... I had to introduce MYSELF to @leighmolina because SOMEONE refused to do so. 🙄

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