Chapter 9: Social Media

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📍 Raoul's - New York

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liked by iamsebastianstan, anthonymackie and 109,672 others

chacecrawford Back in NYC to see if the rumors were true... Does @iamsebastianstan really have a nice couch?

tagged @iamsebastianstan

View all 5,398 comments

username1 OMG! Carter & Nate! My 17 year old self can't handle this reunion! Xoxo gossip girl

username2 LOL! Even Chace knows about the couch story!

username3 These 2 are #friendshipgoals

username4 @anthonymackie is about to get super jealous now...

username5 @username2 I think the whole world knows the couch story by now.

anthonymackie Hold up, where was MY invitation?

imsebastianstan @anthonymackie In the trash. Where it belongs. 🗑

anthonymackie @iamsebastianstan Aight, aight.. I see how it is.

chrisevans I'm with @anthonymackie Where's my invitation? @iamsebastianstan

iamsebastianstan @chacecrawford Look what you've done!

chacecrawford *eating popcorn*

username6 LOL! Why are they all so chaotic! 🤣🤣

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