Chapter 3: New Beginnings Part 2

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"Celebrate endings - for they precede new beginnings."
-- Jonathan Lockwood Huie.

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Prague, Czech Republic — Night

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Prague, Czech Republic — Night

The hotel room door swings open as an exhausted Sebastian trudge through with his backpack. He tosses his bag on the nearby bench, shrugs off his jacket and hangs it in the closet. He then kicks off his shoes and takes off his socks - stumbling in the process, hopping on one foot to another - his t-shirt, jeans and boxer briefs follow after. Naked, bruised and all round exhausted, he steps into the bathroom and turns on the shower. Stepping into the pouring water, he hisses as the hot, almost scalding, water runs over him. It hurts, but after a while the hot shower begins doing wonders to his aching body. Sebastian sighs in contentment.

It was a rough day - no, it was a rough month. After being on a 6-month suspension due to COVID, they had finally resumed the filming of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier a month ago. Of course, not risking another suspension, the production thought it was best to get as much of the overseas filming done as soon as possible. And so started the hectic schedule of back-to-back filming days. Today was the last day of shoot for the month before the cast and crew get to go home for a 1 week break - until they resume again the week after for scenes in Atlanta.

Sebastian can feel the hot water begin to warm and starts to lather up shampoo and wash his hair. It has grown out a bit since filming. He makes a mental note to get a haircut before the next shoot. He takes another 10 minutes to wash his body, making sure to get all the dirt and grime gained from the stunts performed just now clean.

Turning off the shower, he grabs a towel and dries himself before wrapping the towel around his waist. He grabs another smaller towel by the sink to dry his hair before leaving the bathroom. Towel still half covering his face, he fumbles to the cupboard to grab a clean set of boxer briefs and sweatpants, slipping them on swiftly. A beep from the door and a click from the door handle stuns Sebastian as he swivels around to see his intruder.

"You need to latch your door man!" Anthony's voice booms through the room. He pauses when he notices Sebastian. He grins and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Sebastian Stan! Are you seducing me?" Anthony gasps in mock surprise, his right hand pressed on his chest.

Sebastian rolls his eyes and flings the towel he is holding towards Anthony who effortlessly dodges it. Sebastian turns to the cupboard again and grabs a t-shirt, throwing it on. Anthony walks towards the chairs near the window of Sebastian's hotel room.

"What are you doing in my room, Mackie? Can't get enough of me yet?" Sebastian asks as he follows his best friend.

Anthony raises his left arm that is holding a bottle of scotch whiskey.

"I don't know about you, but I need a drink." Anthony groans as he plops down on the armchair.

Sebastian smirks. This is why they get along so well. It is times like this that Sebastian believes they share a brain cell. He turns to the small pantry and grabs a couple of glasses and fills them up with ice before returning to where Anthony is sitting. Handing Anthony a glass, he then settles into the other armchair.

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