Chapter 5

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"Excuse me? You could've at least moved out of the way!" The white-haired boy said, raising up his weird wooden staff defensively. I crossed my arms.

"Moved out of the way?" I raised an eyebrow. "YOU fell into ME, and you want me to move? So you would be even more mad if I'd let you fall? This isn't even my fault!" The boy glared at me. I returned the glare.

"Listen, I'd hate to start this year bad by 'accidentally' blasting someone..." he started.

"And I'd hate to get in trouble for 'accidentally' creating a giant snowman to crush you..." An icicle formed in my hand as we held an intense glare-off.

"You know what, I'm not hungry anymore," he claimed. He flew over the heads of the students waiting in line and rounded a corner. I smirked and sat down with Merida, Katniss, Anna, Punzie, and Astrid.



"Mehh..." An icicle formed in my hand and I stabbed the alarm clock and groggily stood up. Astrid was still sleeping, so I pulled the screen divider between our beds. I tiptoed over to the bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I twisted my hair in the same knot as yesterday and threw on a deep blue sweater, black skinny jeans, and white Converse. I let short hairs around my face fall free, making my outfit look more relaxed and casual.

I checked my phone for the time. It read 7:16 AM. My classes started at 8, but I got up early because I know Astrid is pretty slow when it comes to getting ready (took her like 20 minutes to get pj's on last night?) and I didn't want to hold her up. I shook her awake and grabbed my white backpack. I went down the steps and out of the dorm down to the cafeteria.

I met Punzie there, because I know she's a morning person. I sat down with my chocolate coffee and muffin, and greeted her.

"Hey, Rap!" I smiled. Punzie looked up from her pink and purple iPhone and smiled.

"Hey Elsa!" She locked her phone and took a bite of pancakes. "What's up? Is Astrid a good roomie?" I sipped my coffee and nodded.

"She can be intimidating at first, but once you know her she's nice," I told her. "Who's your roommate?" Punzie put down her fork and wiped her mouth, rolling her eyes.

"She's really weird!" She stated. "She always is huddled in a corner reading or studying! She wears robes with striped ties and waves around a wand in my face. Her hair! Ugh! It's a frizzy MESS!" Rap ranted on, taking a bite of toast. "'Er 'name ish Er-My-Nee or 'omeshing." She tried to talk with her mouth full. I chuckled.

"She can't be too bad, Rap," I said. Punzie sighed.

"I guess not everyone's perfect," she muttered. "But hey, have you seen the boys around here?! They're DREAMY. Especially Hans, the sideburns guy? SUPER cute! Percy Jackson is too but I think he's dating Annabeth. Finnick Odair, the bronze haired guy with the trident? Ugh! SO HANDSOME. Peeta and Hiccup are too but they like other girls, Katniss and Mer I think- oh well. Jack Frost looked ok, but he might be dating Heather, another Viking girl."

I listened to Punzie rant about boys for ten minutes until the 30-minutes-till-class bell rang. I threw a piece of gum in my mouth to get rid of coffee breath and walked over to the school.

Once you enter the gold and brass doors, you'd be amazed. So many different types of students, everywhere. The ceilings and doorways were extra tall so students could fly above others. There was a large office with many workers shuffling around papers and talking to students. I looked in the packet the Fairy Godmother gave to me yesterday.

First class:


I groaned. We're probably all just going to sing and dance and crap like that. My locked was near the music room, so I dropped off binders and books. While I decorated my locker a little on the inside, a pale girl with a black pixie cut and V-shaped bangs opened the locker next to me. She wore all black and had dark makeup on her light blue eyes. She looked over.

"I'm Mavis," she held out her hand. "Vampire."

"Elsa," I shook Mavis's hand. "Ice and snow." She nodded.

"Cool," we slammed our lockers shut. "Do you have music first period?" I nodded. "Ok, let's walk."

Mavis and I entered the music room. It was a rather small room with instruments crowding the back, but there was a door leading out to a big stage in the auditorium. We sat in the back where cellos were stored.

"What instrument do you play?" Mavis asked. She pulled a flute out of her bag. "I play flute." She played a pretty tune.

"All kinds of instruments," I told her. "I can play flute, piano, violin, viola, bass, trumpet, trombone, tuba, cello, and more. Oh, and I sing." An ice flute materialized in front of me. We harmonized, both playing pretty tunes. Since we were early, we played different ice instruments together and made up different songs, it was a lot of fun. But we stopped once a dark-haired girl with green eyes walked in, wearing Viking-like clothes and talking to someone behind her.

The white-haired boy flew in and dropped his staff when he saw me.


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