Chapter 15

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Rapunzel POV

~three weeks later~

Flynn and I were holding hands at the long table, waiting for everyone else to arrive for the meeting. So far we've made very little progress into finding Anna, but we still had to try. Hiccup walked in next, looking tired with slumped shoulders. Jack flew in next, taking a seat in the back corner. Jack always sits in the middle, never in the corner! Elsa walked in, and stopped once she saw Jack. She sat at the very opposite end of him, shooting various glares at him. Merida came last, the only one acting normal. She trotted over to Hiccup and gave him a kiss.

Hiccup looked startled, hesitantly kissing back. What's up with everyone?

The meeting started dull, the usual everyone-shares-bad-ideas-on-how-to-find-Anna. Halfway through, Elsa's head shot up. She frantically looked around, and grabbed a notebook and pen. All eyes were on her now, and two minutes passed before she stopped writing and looked at us excitedly.

"I know how to get Anna!"

Flynn and I looked at each other, and then at her again.

"How?" Everyone said at the same time. Elsa wouldn't stop smiling.

"We need to get Azelle back!" She yelled. Elsa grabbed her notebook and pen and raced out the door. We ran towards the school. We ran through the large gold and brass doors, towards the office. Ms. Fairy Godmother was working there, and was startled when we all scrambled through the door.

"Hello Ms. Godmother," Elsa greeted breathlessly. "We need to know what happened to Hans's things after he was sent to Azkaban." Ms. Godmother was even more startled.

"Well, dear," she said. "Nobody has touched it. It's still in his dorm, since he didn't have a roommate." Elsa jumped up excitedly.

"Can we have a key to the dorm?" Elsa asked. Ms. Godmother looked suspicious. "It's for Anna. We're going to find Anna." After what she said about Anna, Ms. Godmother gave a key to us. Elsa thanked her and sprinted out, going back to the dorms. We raced to the second floor and into Hans's room. It was plain white. Everything was white. It was creepy.

Elsa searched around in the corner desk drawers until she squealed. She pulled out a tranquilizer gun.

"How did they not get rid of that?" Flynn whispered in my ear. I shrugged.

"Ok, so I'm going to tranq myself so Azelle comes back, and then I'm going to try to get her to scratch me to dust so I can find where Anna is!"

"Why would she scratch herself?" I asked.

"I'll try to get her to."

"What if she scratches one of us?" Merida questioned.

"First- sorry. Second- please try to find Anna and come back alive."

"What if you die?" Jack asks.

"Not a big loss."

"Elsa!" Jack protested. Elsa glared daggers at him.

"Why do you care?" She demanded. Jack hesitantly backed off, looking glum. Elsa breathed in. "Ok. I'm ready."

I looked around. "We are too." Elsa took a dart, and pricked her arm. She waited ten seconds, then took the dart out. Her body shook.

"Back for another round, eh?" Azelle's raspy voice came from Elsa. "What? Scratch you? Why?" We couldn't hear Elsa, but apparently Azelle could. "Having this whole body to myself does sound nice." Elsa/Azelle lifted her hand up, and struck herself.

Elsa dissolved to black dust, leaving us horrified and wondering what to do next.


Elsa POV

I tumbled painfully through a black tunnel for at least five minutes. I stumbled out the end, gasping for breath, and crawling on the ground. I couldn't see anything, it was too dark. I looked down, yet I could see myself just fine. My clothes were a little tattered from the tunnel, but not much. Walking was hard because I hurt my knee, so I created ice crutches to help me walk.

I walked around for an hour, but it was frustrating finding nothing. Frequently, I would shoot flurries of snow and ice to light up what's in front of me, but it would never show anything. I got so mad that I shot a giant ball of snow upwards and it exploded, shining light in my area. To my surprise and delight, I found a vine. I didn't know which way to follow it, so I followed it the away from where the tunnel was.

Maybe this vine will lead me to Anna, I thought. Or maybe it's a trick. I'm not sure, but I don't have a lot to lose right now.

I followed the vine for hours. I sang quietly to keep myself calm. After a while, a attached my hands to the vine with ice so when I took a nap, I wouldn't lose it. I slept for around two hours, and got up and followed the vine.

It was the most boring journey ever, but it was worth it, because I found Anna.

She was huddled, sleeping, in a pile of dull, dead flowers. I hesitantly poked her. She didn't wake. I decided to be safe, in case this was a demon, and poked her with a long icicle. I expected her to jump out with crazed red eyes and maul my face off, but she didn't.

Anna opened her blue-green eyes groggily and sat up, rubbing her forehead. She looked at me, and flinched away, terrified.

"Anna, what's wrong?" I asked, trying to contain my happiness. "I'm here! Elsa, your sister!" Anna cautiously sat up and crept toward me. She looked into my eyes and touched my face.

"Oh... oh my gods..." She stammered. "It... it's Elsa. Elsa... my sister... my sister has found me!" Anna threw her arms around me. She danced with me happily. "I've been here for four days Elsa! Nothing to eat but my poor flowers and bushes." Tears were rolling down her cheeks. "Longest four days of my life."

I looked at her weirdly. "Four days, Anna?" Anna nodded. "Anna, you've been missing for over a month!" My sister took a step back.

"A month?" She questioned. "But I counted four days! I haven't been sleeping much... maybe time is different here than in real world? One day equals one week?" I gave Anna an ice cup filled with snow.

"You look dehydrated," I said. Anna nodded and put a chunk of snow in her mouth. She drank it when it melted to water. "Let's get out of here!"

Anna yelled in agreement. I blasted my powers at the ground. It cracked. Anna shouted in encouragement. It took another ten minutes to loosen the ground up enough. I delivered my final blast of ice and snow, and Anna and I fell through, arms wrapped around each other.

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