Chapter 6

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"Who's she Jack?" The girl asked the boy. I rolled my eyes. The boy, Jack, glared at me.

"I don't know, Heather," he responded. "She was too busy being a total loser to properly introduce herself."

Heather snickered. I shot a teeny ice prick in her calf. She yelped and rubbed her leg, and glared at me. I smirked.

"Hey, don't you touch my girlfriend!" Jack growled at me. I shrugged innocently.

"I didn't," I replied, mockingly. "I was standing all the way over here. How could I reach her?" Jack released a flurry of snow at me through his staff. I blocked it with a simple ice shield. I've been better at thinking quickly with my powers and how to use them in these types of situations.

"You control ice, too?" Jack complained.

"No, I control butterflies and puppies," I rolled by eyes and gestured to the ice shield. "What does this look like?"

I sat down as Jack turned away, muttering under his breath. Mavis whistled.

"That," she said. "Was a sass overload." We smiled at eachother.

"Did I break the sass-ometer?" I asked jokingly.

"Girl, you created your own sass-ometer!" Mavis chuckled. We laughed at the dumb joke and chatted until the teacher came in. I recognized only a few people- Hiccup, Ruffnut (the girl from the lobby on the first day), and the girl with the missing shoe and big blue dress.

"Hello, hello, class, I am Ms. Gothel, your music teacher," the teacher with curly black hair and gray eyes said. She wore a simple red dress trimmed in gold. "Today, we will be showing our musical talents to the class. Grab or make your own instrument if you need it, I couldn't care less, and head out to the stage."

Mavis carried her flute out and we sat down in the cushioned seats in front of the stage. I was nervous, so my seat started to ice. I shook the thoughts out of my head and focused my attention up front.

Gothel walked out with a clipboard in hand. "A... A... Arendelle? Elsa Arendelle? You're up first. Tut tut." I bit my lip and looked at the stage. Slowly, I walked up the steps and to center stage. No piano, so I waved my hand and a magnificent grand piano made of ice appeared. I sat on the bench, fingers resting on the keys. Then I played.

I played a song I wrote when I was younger, to cope with my powers. I call it Let it Go. My fingers skimmed through the notes I had played many times before, making the tempo a bit faster so I could be done with this already. When I sang, my voice was a little shaky because of morning voice and nervousness.

I relaxed a little and just imagined myself playing in the study of my home, singing while my mom made supper in the kitchen. I finished loud, clear, and confident. With another wave of my hand and a thought about Anna, the piano disappeared. I quickly and awkwardly walked back to Mavis.

Ms. Gothel checked my name off, muttering good, good, and I sat back, relieved it was over.

Mavis played a little bit after that, and let me tell you, she's good.

Her perfect breaths and fingers made perfect notes. It was over too soon, and Mavis walked back to me saying that she did bad because of jitters.

Cinderella sang a song about birds and mice, Hiccup played a sad song on the cello, Ruff banged a stick on her helmet, and Jack played a bad accompaniment on the guitar to Heather's squeaky, breathy voice. Ruffnut did better than Jack and Heather. When Heather finished a long, high note that was obviously out of her range, she smirked, flipped her hair at me and pecked Jack's lips.

What a lovely couple of demons from a match made in hell, I thought. Wait, that might be offensive to Hades. Not even he can make people this bad.

The rest of the students went, and the bell rang. I was walking out with Mavis when I heard Ms. Gothel call me.

"Elsa, dear, may I have a word with you?" She asked. I clicked my tongue and said bye to Mavis. "I really think you should join Glee Club!" Gothel said excitedly. "You have a decent voice and piano skills. We could use you this year!" I smiled.

"Thank you, Ms. Gothel," I said. "But performing and being in the spotlight with attention isn't my thing. But thanks for the offer." Ms. Gothel nodded disappointedly and I left for Maths.

As I walked through the halls, I saw a pretty brunette girl in a yellow dress dancing with a hairy animal wearing a tux. I walked by the hospital wing to see Madame Pomfrey and a big, white, pillow-like robot treating someone.

"On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your pain?" It said.

I smiled and entered the Maths room. Luckily there was a seat in the back corner of the room. I saw Hiccup in the middle of the room flirting with Merida, and Merida just blushing and swatting him away. I saw Katniss reading a book on different types of plants in the forest, and a pair of little girls with high black ponytails chasing each other around the room. The rest of the kids were on their phones or talking to one another. A large green man with weird ears entered and shut the door behind him.

"Hello class, I am Mr. Shrek," he said. "Welcome to Fantasy Academy Mathematics. Let's see attendance- you two, Vanellope and Agnes? Get back in ye seat!" The two little girls sighed and climbed into their chairs. "As I was sayin', you'll learn not just basic maths, but complicated ways that the fairies introduced in the 800's."

The class was boring, but I payed attention anyway to get good grades. Merida fell asleep and Hiccup kept glancing over at her. Vanellope and Agnes were passing notes and girls were braiding each other's hair.

"It's a bit gloomy in here," Mr. Shrek pointed out. "Let's open the blinds a bit, shall we?" As he did, I saw a glimpse of black sand before the wall shattered to pieces. I saw Astrid on Stormfly, blasting, what were those? Horses?

I didn't have much time to think. I jumped out of the wall, shooting ice spikes and running on a floating ice path my feet kept providing me, at least 75 feet above the ground.

What in Hades is going on?!

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