Chapter 16

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Flynn POV

It was the first day of December, and the air was chilly.

The weather usually was controlled around the school, temperatures usually never went above or below 55-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Punzie and I were having a picnic on the school lawns, watching Eep chased butterflies, Hiro and Violet doing math problems, Jace and Clary practice new ways to fight demons, and Four and Tris shooting guns at targets. Ron and Hermione were riding brooms together, Hiccup was riding Toothless, and Sully and Mike were going around, scaring students.

It was a peaceful day.

That is, until, a miniature blizzard exploded midair and left everyone covered in snow. I dropped my sandwich and brushed the snow off my girlfriend and myself. We looked to where the small explosion happened, and there, was none other, than Elsa and Anna.

They were huddled together, clutching each other tightly. Everyone gasped when they same them.

"Anna?" Punzie whispered. "Anna? Oh my gods, it's Anna! ANNA!" Punzie was screaming and flailing her arms as she ran towards the sisters. Elsa and Anna let go of each other and looked at Punzie, and Anna burst into tears. Punzie tackled the girls into the snow. Elsa got up and all the snow started to melt. The air became warmer as she thawed everything, thankfully. My teeth stopped chattering and I wobbled over to where they were laying.

Suddenly, Anna sat up. "Where is Hans?" She asked angrily.

"Azkaban." Elsa replied. Anna smirked.


Anna POV

It's been a few days since I came back. I had no time what-so-ever to do anything I wanted, because I missed a month of classes. The teachers gave me tutors to help me study.

One of them was Kristoff, and he's cute. In a teddy-bear kind of way.

"Ok," Kristoff was reading notes from his notepad. "For the Patronus spell, you'd usually need a wand. But, you have powers, so you can do it with your hands. Just in this motion." He demonstrated a weird, flicking-like movement with his hands.

I nodded. I lifted up my hands and flicked them while saying, "Expecto Patronum!" Little wisps came out of my fingers, so I tried again.

"Expecto Patronum!" I commanded. Little wisps formed a large hummingbird, which flittered around my head. I laughed and held out my hand as a perch for it to rest on. It did, and a few seconds later it disappeared.

Kristoff clapped. "That was great!" I curtsied.

"Thank you," I smiled. "What's your Patronus?"

"A reindeer," he replied. I responded with a "cool," and we went on to answer questions about Patronuses.

When we were done, Kristoff packed his bag and started to leave the lounge.

"Hey, wait!" I called. I ran up to him and kissed his cheek. "Thanks." I smiled.

Kristoff blushed fiercely. "Y-yeah," he stuttered.


Jack POV

I walked into English with Elsa. Things were pretty normal with us again, though we weren't involved romantically. It made me sad because she would flirt with guys in front of me, and she would know that I cared.

I wish I had a relationship like Percy and Annabeth, the demigods. They fought demons and monsters together, fell and journeyed through Tartarus together, and have been friends since they were twelve. Annabeth was helping Percy read a harder leveled book at the moment, and it made my heart ache.

"Annabeth, this is too hard!" Percy complained.

"It's one word, Seaweed Brain," she responded. "Now say it with me, e-cho-lo-ca-tion. Echolocation."

"Lecho-rotation," Percy slowly spoke. "Darned dyslexia!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes and pecked his cheek with her lips. Percabeth is goals.

I looked over at the front of the room and saw Elsa smirking at me. I looked at her confused. Her eyes darted from Percy and Annabeth back to me. I rolled my eyes and took out my textbook.


At lunch, Elsa brought up Percy and Annabeth.

"You want a relationship like them, don't you?" She laughed. I stabbed my fork into my spaghetti.

"Who doesn't?" I countered.

"True," Elsa said as she took a bite of her chocolate cake. "This is really good cake."

"Did someone say cake?" We turned around to see Four staring at the cake from the Dauntless table. Elsa and I laughed, because everyone knew Four's obsession with cake.

I took another bite of pasta, but I wasn't hungry. I set my tray aside and played with snowflakes in my hand.

"D'you know Hic wants to break up with Mer?" Elsa asked, shoving more cake in her mouth. I sat up in my chair.

"I noticed he doesn't look at her the same way anymore," I admitted.

Elsa continued. "He says he doesn't feel like there's a spark, like Flynn and Rap."

"Like you and me," I muttered very quietly. Elsa's expression didn't change and she took another bite of cake.

"I heard that," she plainly said.


"No, it's ok."

"I'm sorry."

"Me too." Elsa sighed, finishing her lunch. She grabbed my hand and held it, smiling gently at me. I smiled weakly back. The bell rung, and we headed to Music, hand in hand.

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