Chapter 13

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Elsa POV

I felt like a little child, watching grown-ups kiss and saying "ew!" But, I was watching my demon-possessed body eat my sister's evil boyfriend's face off. Also, I tried to puke in my mind. Luckily, since Azelle shut my eyes, I didn't have to see anything. But I still felt it. It was very disgusting, vial, gross, and inhumanly unsanitary. I screamed and screamed at Azelle, but she wouldn't answer.

"Elsa?" A voice said. "What in the name of the gods are you doing?" Azelle pulled away with a smirk from Hans. Hans backed away, like we had forced him to kiss us. Hans wiped his mouth and glared at Azelle and I.

"Sorry, Anna," Azelle replied, in a disgusting fake-innocent voice. "He's just soo dreamy, I just couldn't help myself." Hans raised his hands up defensively.

"Azelle grabbed me and kissed me!" Hans cried. Anna raised a brow and backed up a step.

"Azelle?" She cautiously asked.

"I m...meant Elsa!" Hans stammered. "I s...said Elsa."

Anna's POV

Elsa didn't look right.

Her shoulders were too slumped, her eyes were a grayish color, her hair a shade darker than normal. She had a permanent smirk, too, and Elsa isn't known for smirking.

"You're very lucky to have Hans," Elsa sighed. Her voice sounded a little different, too. Then she gasped. She fell to the ground, shaking and convulsing. Elsa frantically looked up, checking her surroundings. She scrambled over to me, grasping my shoulders. I tried to clinch away, but she looked deep into my eyes. Her eyes were her normal shade of blue, and her hair lighter than before.

"Run!" She gasped. "It's taking over me! I'm posses..." Elsa collapsed again, and when she looked up, her eyes were gray. She growled and lunged for me, but I dodged and ran as fast as I could out, with that... that... thing and Hans chasing me.

It was the middle of the night, nobody would be up at this hour. If I tried to wake them, they would be too groggy to fight. But there's always an adult on duty. Instead of running through the dorm halls, I ran out into the lawn, screaming my head off.

"Help!" I wailed, flailing my arms. "Help me! Help, help, hELP HELP ME IM BEING CHASED BY MY POSSESSED SISTER AND EVIL EX!"

"Ex?" I heard Hans call from behind me. Did he really think I was going to stay with him? I saw North jog out of the small staff building, in the back of the school. I waved my arms and screamed.

I was too late, though, Demon Elsa froze my feet to the ground mid-run. The momentum almost made me buckle and hurt myself on a shard of ice, but it wouldn't of mattered. That's because Demon Elsa pounced on me, slicing my world away from me.


Jack POV

I heard screaming.

I jumped out of bed and looked out my window. Anna!

She was being chased by, wait, Hans and Elsa?

I later wished I hadn't paused for that second, being confused on who was chasing who, because the next thing I know, Elsa shot Anna's feet, sticking her in place. Elsa pounced on her, swiping at her and turning Anna to dust.

"Anna!" I screamed. "Elsa?!" I saw Elsa place her mouth on Hans's. I gagged, and my gut filled with anger, betrayal, and disbelief. The weirder thing, is that Hans kissed back.

Furiously, I threw open my window. I flew out to Elsa and Hans. The pile of dust laying next to them made my stomach twist.

"What in the name of the gods is going on here?" I asked, holding up my staff defensively. Elsa turned to me and smirked. Her eyes were a pale gray, her hair was a white-gray, and her expression and posture didn't resemble Elsa.

"Ah, Jack," she cooed, twirling a black snowflake in her hand. "It wouldn't have worked out between us." I felt my heart drop. I loved Elsa, but... but I knew this person wasn't my Elsa. She collapsed, gasping. She looked up, and her normal blue eyes had a crazed glaze over them. She hauled herself at me, grabbing my shoulders.

"Help!" Elsa cried. "I'm possessed... oh Anna! Help Jack! I love yo.." She shuddered, and her hair was grayer again.

"Stop, it, fool!" She hissed, her voice lower and scratchier.

"Never, skunkbag!" Elsa said in her normal voice. Control kept switching between the two, and they were arguing loudly.

"Give my body back, you creep!"

"I stole it first!"

"You kiss Hans, that's gross!"

"You kiss Jack Frost, gross!"

"You killed my sister!"


Elsa started slapping herself.

"STOP AZELLE!" Elsa screamed.

"Who's Azelle?" I yelled. A snowstorm was starting to form around the shouting girl, wind howling in my ears.

"ME!" The raspy voice shouted.

"HER!" Elsa cried at the same time.

Someone knocked Elsa in the back of the head with a stick, making her collapse, unconscious. North wiped his hands.

"I hope Baymax can help with this."

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