Chapter 8

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[ Author Note: I will start switching the POV around now! So it's not just Elsa! -ttfg ]

Jack's POV

Heather and I walked down the school corridors, holding hands. She was slightly limping because she scraped her knee while running from nightmares. Heather's beautiful, sort of nice, somewhat funny, I guess talented, but weak. She can't handle anything and that gets on my nerves. But, not everyone's perfect I guess.

Back at the battle, I got Heather to a safe spot deep in the school. When I came back out, the nightmares were all gone, but a few students were laying on the ground, obviously struck by the nightmares. I knew what it was like, every minute you spend in Pitch's realm compares to around 5 hours in real time.

I saw Peter Pan, Alice, Elsa, Tuffnut, and a few fairies lying on the ground. I sighed and picked up a Baby Tooth.

"Poor girl," I murmured, and set her down.

"'Poor girl,' who?" I heard a snappy voice behind me. I turned to see my girlfriend. I sighed.

"A Baby Tooth," I replied. "Five or six got hit." Heather relaxed a little in the shoulders and walked closer and put her arms on my shoulders, lacing her fingers behind my neck. She leaned in for kiss, but I backed away. Heather opened her green eyes and looked at me almost with disgust.

"What?" She demanded.

"I'm just not in the mood," I said and clutched my staff. Heather crossed her arms and leaned on one hip.

"What do you mean, not in the mood?" She snarled. Jeez, chill. I thought.

"If you were a good girlfriend, you'd just accept that I'm just not in a kissing mood!" I shot back. "This is so stupid! You always get on me for the worst reasons and your always monitoring everything I do! I'm just so done with your crap and drama, Heather. It's over." Heather was petrified. She stood with a look of horror plastered on the pretty fake face of hers.

"B-bu... but babe!" Heather called after me as I stormed away, half marching and half flying. I whipped around.

"Don't call me that!"


"Stop!" I flew away, up to the second floor of the dorms. I stomped through the hallways, so angry at everything at the moment. I flicked a piece of ice at the lock on our door and it swung open. I marched up the few steps that lead to the living space, to find Hiccup tending to a red-head's leg wound.

"Hey Hic, random person in my room," I greeted them. I didn't care about anything at the moment.

"Iy'm Merida," the girl piped up, her voice thick with a Scottish accent. Hiccup finished her bandages and Merida thanked him.

"History project tomorrow, in the lounge?" Hiccup asked. Merida smiled and nodded, and left our room. I whistled at my friend.

"Gotcha self a girl, Haddock?" I smirked. Hiccup blushed and looked down.

"I like her," he admitted. "But she's very independent. And fierce. But anyway, is everything cleaned up from the battle?" I chuckled.

"Which one?"

Hiccup raised an eyebrow. "Heather?" I nodded.

"I broke up with her. I was so done with her schist and she's a demanding brat. She doesn't even deserve anyone. But the battle against Pitch is all cleaned up, the ones who are in his nightmare are in the hospital wing right now."

I drew snowflakes on the window. Hiccup clapped his hands to his knees and stood up.

"Gotta feed Toothless, see ya for dinner," he said, and left. I looked out the window again. Rapunzel's extremely long hair trailed behind her, catching leaves and twigs in the grass. Astrid, Hiccup's old best friend back in Berk, was riding her dragon. She's pretty, I thought. But not my type. There's such a wide variety of girls to flirt with. I'm a single guy, with no girlfriend breathing down my back whenever I talk to anyone. It's kind of a nice relief.

I smirked when I saw Aladdin's carpet and Belle's teapot get in a fight. An idea popped into my mind...

A prank.

It's perfect.


Hiccup POV

I headed down to the stables, with a bucket of fish in my hand and constantly tripping over rocks that were strewn in the grass for Gronckles to snack on.

My night fury practically jumped on me when I entered his stall. I tossed the fish at him, and he licked me.

"Gross, Toothless!" I flicked his forehead and he snorted. He bounded back over to his fish and started eating. I exhaled and patted him goodnight, and left the stall.

The sky was getting dark, a brilliant light navy blue. I trudged through the grass looking down at my feet, until I bumped into someone, both of us losing our balance. I saw a mass of red hair and immediately got up and helped her up.

"Darn!" Merida complained. "Ye messed up me shot!" She whipped around to see me and blushed. "Sorry, hey Hiccup."

"No, I'm sorry," I apologized. "I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm too clumsy, so I accidentally knocked into you."

"Yer cute, yeh know that?" Merida laughed. I blushed and looked down. I'm very awkward in these types of situations, I don't really know what to do.

"S-so," I stuttered. "W-wanna go o-out sometime or s-something?" Merida looked surprised, but she also nodded quickly. I smiled. "Alright! Uh... so... see ya in class tomorrow?"

Merida chuckled. "I suppose." She kissed my cheek and marched up the hill to get to the dorms. When she was out of sight, I did a cartwheel.

"She said yes!" I excitedly told myself. I ran up the hill to get to the dorm cafeteria for dinner.


"You owe me five bucks," I told her.

"Hiccup, that was 10 years ago!" She complained. "Get over yourself."

"We bet on it!"

"Hiccup! Ten. Years. Ago."

"You said I would never get a girlfriend," I said. "We shook on it, Astrid."

Astrid rolled her eyes and pulled out a coin. She tossed it at me. "Not 5 in Berkian or American money, but it's 5 somewhere."

Satisfied, I walked back to Jack and Flynn. Jack and Flynn were eating burgers they got from the lunch line. I settled for a bowl of soup.

"Not very hungry?" Flynn asked. I shook my head. "What's on your mind?"

"I hope I don't mess up things with Merida," I explained to the boys. "I mean, I really like her." Jack looked Heather and snickered. There were girls crowding around her, fanning her crying red, puffy face and trying to comfort her. Jack had broken up with her, and Heather didn't handle it well. I have to admit, it was hilarious.

I looked up toward the front of the lunchroom, on the small stage there was Professor North clearing his throat.

"Hello, children," he greeted.

"Hey, I'm over 300 years old!" Jack called through the silence. North ignored him and the laughs of students around the cafeteria and continued.

"There is a semi-formal greeting dance on Friday, so wear your nicest t-shirt, grab a date and head over to the gymnasium." Merida. I want to go with Merida.

North left the stage and students began walking around, asking people to go to the dance with them.

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