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You sat in a corner playing with your butterfly knife with Clint next to you. You begged Natasha to show you how to use one and eventually she complied.

Looking up you saw the doctors playing with their do-dads and trinkets but some certainly were more worried than others. You watched as they poked and prodded at the blue crystal they called the tesseract. It was more of a glorified shiny cube but you wouldn't argue since it didn't concern you. 
Protect the tesseract. Protect the scientists. Report to Fury.
Easy enough for you to remember, I mean it wasn't hard for anyone really. The hardest part of this job was reminding the scientists that sustenance was a thing and that they were working too hard. 

"Barton!" a voice gripped your attention as Clint pushed himself off the wall and over to the head scientist with you following a few steps behind "the tesseract is misbehaving" he warned

"how so?"

"she's active with nothing to provoke her" Selvig responded

"is it something we need to worry about?" you asked

"that's the problem, I don't know"

Clint nodded in understanding as he watched the tesseract with thought "I'll contact Fury, anything could happen"

Selvig nodded with slight hesitation. It's not that he didn't trust Fury, it's the fact that he didn't have trust in the tesseract or his fellow scientist's calculations.

"c'mon, let's get a better view" Clint nodded up to what the scientists called his 'nest' which to be honest you found funny and most definitely did not start.

"right, lets go" you nodded in agreement. You felt off, the tesseract made you feel off. 
You looked to the blue cube as you walked "I don't trust this..." you mumbled to yourself

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