ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕏 ‡ 𝕎𝕖𝕒𝕜

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕏

-·=»‡«=·-ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕏

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You wake to be on a couch at home, wait, home? You looked to find yourself in Stark Tower, had they saved you, had the Avengers stopped Loki while you were out? How long were you out!?
A sudden pain stabbed your chest as you gasped and started breathing heavily. You heard quick steps to you as you found yourself gasping on the ground clutching your chest. You felt weak, the world spinning around you.

"Darling, calm down calm down" You heard a soothing voice ease you through as you had trouble breathing. Eventually, the pain eased and you took deep breaths of air appreciating it much more than you thought you ever would.
Warm arms wrapped around you. You clutched onto them as they seemed to be the only stable thing around you. "shhhhh" the voice soothed as the arms pulled you closer "calm down"

Your eyes slowly opened. Once again meeting black and green with hints of gold. You quickly pushed the figure away to only confirm your theory that Loki was the one holding you. You quickly stood and reached for your gun, it wasn't there. No weapon was in easy reach. 

Loki had fallen slightly back, his gaze almost seemed hurt as he glanced back up to you from where you had pushed him. It was at this time you could see how tired he looked. He seemed as if he hadn't slept in days. 
"Why am I here" you panted as you held your fists up ready to fight. Loki slowly stood, his eyes never leaving you as if you were prey to a predator. There was no way you could win a fight against him if he came up to you, you just had to buy yourself time. Loki had started stalking to you without a single falter in his steps as you stayed in your defensive position. He circled you, making you truly feel like prey. When he took a step closer, you quickly threw a punch, once again locking with his jaw. "Tell me. Why. Am I. Here"

The god held his jaw as he looked back at you, his eyes seemed more green than blue this time. Once again gaining composure, Loki stalked right to you, faster than before. You went to throw another punch at him but he quickly ducked, grabbed your wrist, dragged it behind you, and wrapped his arm around your other arm and waist. This left both of your arms locked in his grasp as your back is against his chest. You tried to pull out of his grasp but every pull caused a sharp pain to rush up the arm that Loki held against your back.
You panted as you felt your stress levels rise. You found the ability to breathe and to stand much harder than you remembered. Luckily, you fell back into Loki who let go of your wrist to catch you in confusion. Loki helped you slide to the ground, using him to sit up. Your hand shot to your chest as you gasped from the sharp pain shooting through your heart. 

"Y/N?" Loki voiced confused. As you did not answer, Loki placed an arm against your back and under your legs as he lifted you and carried you back to the couch you woke up on. 
Your vision blurred as you clutched your heart, gasping for breath. "Y/N are you okay? What are you doing" Loki fussed over you having no clue what was happening nor what to do.

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