ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕏𝕀𝕀 ‡ 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕤

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕏𝕀𝕀

-·=»‡«=·-ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕏𝕀𝕀

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"Tony" Captain spoke looking up at the sky looking for the flying man "We got him"

"Banner?" you heard Tony speak over coms

"Just like you said"

"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you" Just as the devil spoke, he appeared from behind a building with a Chitaurian floating turtle thing behind him ready for war.
You found yourself deflating with a groan.

"I...I don't see how that's a party" Black Widow spoke confused. You couldn't help the small chuckle, she looked confused but it could have fully been sarcasm.

The ground shook and cracked under the Chitaurian Leviathan as it followed your father down to ground level towards you like a train on the run.

"Dr. Banner. Now might be a nice time to use the anger-issued monster" You hesitated, walking back, bumping against Clint

"That's my secret, Ms. Stark." Banner looked to you "I'm always angry" Bruce turned to the monster as he transformed into the beast Hulk. You heard Hulk yell 'smash' as he practically grabbed the Leviathan like a bull from a cartoon. Armor and flesh crashing against the ground.
You heard screeches and roars of anger from the Chitauri soldiers around you.

You held a stabber dagger against your rifle as you reloaded and got ready to continue to gun down any threat. You looked around at the enemies surrounding you and your allies who were ready to defend your home.
It wasn't far off until your eyes caught sight of a man in gold armor who you had a fight to pick with. He rode above you but he was too far to differentiate any reaction.

Movement at the portal caught your eye as you witnessed thousands more of the Chitauri fleet enter the atmosphere. You could barely take on one turtle worm and now they just sent more? You were way out of your element here.

"Guys" your voice wavered

"Call it, Cap'n" Iron Man spoke next to you

"Alright, listen up" Cap started "Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark- er, Tony, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash"

"Wanna give me a lift?" Clint asked Tony

You looked to Clint with a smirk "Thought you could fly Bird Boy?"

You earned a chuckle from Tasha and Tony but a glare from Clint "Right. Better clench up Legolas" your father spoke before lifting Clint to fly to the building.

Captain continued his instructions "Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck the portal. Slow them down, you've got the lightning. Light the bastards up but take (Y/N) with you. She knows the tower and can get scans on the city. Tell me if you can shut that thing down. You and-"

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