ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕀𝕀 ‡ 𝕃𝕚𝕒𝕣

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕀𝕀

-·=»‡«=·-ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕀𝕀

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A/N: I decided to give a small reference of your SHIELD outfit as the 'Iron Child' assassin XD If you want to choose your own outfit that's all up to you, I just felt like drawing

You slowly started to come to. 

"glad to see you're awake" You looked over hazily to see the figure of Clint sitting next to you

Getting up you go to rub your eyes but your hand couldn't even make it close before being halted. The sound of dragging metal met your ears forcing you to glare at a metal cuff on your wrist. You look over to Clint with a glare "Really?"

"We had to take precautions. I trained you, maybe too well"

"well now Agent Barton, I hope you trained her well enough, we'll need it" Your attention quickly changed to see the smirking god who started this mess. 
You glared at the man as he took cocky strides toward you. He squatted down to your level, switching the spear between his hands as the both of you locked eyes.

Seconds passed before you quickly swung your fist to happily meet his cheek. Clint was quick to grab your wrists as you huffed "Cuff both wrists next time asshole"

Loki chuckled and examined you with a mischievous gaze "I see you remember me" he cooed 

"glad to say that makes one of us"

Slowly he brought the spear to your chest, tapping over your heart lightly, almost playfully. "I'm starting to like you" He smiled as you felt something stir in your emotions. Like ink mixing with water, you felt compelled to do what the god said, you felt as if every word he said was the greatest idea in the world and that you had to follow it.
You kept your eyes locked with the god's, confused, but once he pulled away two and two clicked together. 
He thought you were under his control.


Barton led you through the tunnel-like system. You followed him like a duckling as you examined your surroundings. 
One by one, agents and other people walked around with objectives in mind. Some you recognized from files of enemies of SHIELD but others you had never seen before in your life, it made the hairs on the back of your neck rise as you stuck closer to Clint.

You found yourself in some sort of makeshift armory. You could easily grab a gun and start firing but you would be taken down mercilessly and easily by the number of agents in this one room alone. You had an act that was keeping you safe and you wanted to keep it.
"Hey, focus" Clint snapped you back to life as you looked at him. In his hand was an HK VP9. You smirked and took the weapon, clicking the button on the side to slide out the magazine, check the mag, then slammed it back in and cocking the pistol's barrel back by the rear sight. 

"When do we get started?"

Clint smirked down at you "Now" he spoke as he walked away with you on his heels 
"We're supposed to make sure the doctor has what he needs to make that portal. He wants us to meet with him to tell us what we need and who we need to get through to get it" Barton debriefed you on the current situation 

"portal?" you asked confused. Magic was impossible...well you were now serving Houdini so you can't say that anymore

"yes, a portal." You heard an all too familiar voice behind you making you turn around to see the Houdini himself "I understand it might be too much for you to understand since you midgardians have no such magical principles but yes. A portal"
Loki moved forward to stand next to you, clearly almost a foot taller than you since your eyes meet his shoulder. You sigh and start walking past Clint.

"now can we go get that info Mr. Hawk?" sarcasm laced your voice as you start walking past Clint.

"follow me" he huffed out and started walking off again to what you assumed was the Doctor's office

"Put it over there" you heard ahead of you. That was Dr. Selvig, Loki must have gotten him too. 
"Where did you find all these people?" He asked Clint.

"SHIELD has a lot of enemies" You sighed as Clinton pointed to you over his shoulder gesturing as if that was exactly what he was going to say

After his gesture, Barton showed off a holo-screen with information on a certain object "This the stuff you need?"

"yeah," Erik nodded "Iridium. It's found in meteorites, in forms anti-protons. It's very hard to get hold of"

"Especially if SHIELD knows you need it" Clint agreed as you hopped on an empty area of a desk one of the scientists were working on. You understood science, it was part of your heritage. 

The doctor glared at Clint "Well, I didn't know!" he seemed to pipe up as Loki approached with his usual dark and brooding and prince of cringe aura "Hey! The tesseract is showing me so much. It's more than just knowledge, it's...truth"

"I know" Loki nodded and looked to Clint "What did it show you, Agent Barton, Agent Stark?"

Opening his bow case Clint grabbed his signature weapon "My next target" he clarified as he flipped open his bow. Wow, you knew Tony was one for dramatics but damn. 
You then looked to Loki, playing a smile "Our next target"

Loki nodded "Tell me what you need"

 "I'll need a distraction" Clint verified as he looked over to Loki and you who happened to be just behind the god "and an eyeball"

Wait what.

"an eyeball?" You asked

"yes, an eyeball" 

"I can create a distraction, but I will need Mrs. Stark with me" Loki smirked as he looked at you

You looked at Loki in shock with a raised brow "Why would you need me with you?"

"A spy goes undercover darling, I may not have been on your planet for long but I've read your Midgardian books. I know your stories" Loki walked close to you, blocking you in on your little area of the desk.
"what do you say, Ms. Stark? Are you willing to be my date for this evening" All of his actions caught you off guard? He was close, too close for your liking. You could smell his natural scent. Small whiffs of mint, something aromatic, the smell of old books, and scents you couldn't put words to. His green eyes stared into yours with a demanding yet soft gaze looking for an answer in yours as if he knew you had a choice. Did he know you weren't fully under his control?

You scoffed and placed your hand on his chest to push him back. He cocked an eyebrow as he looked at your hand and then back to you, challenging you about touching him. "If I'm gonna be your date, you better find me one hell of a dress"

Loki smiled as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you forward off the desk and close to him once more "gladly" 

You pushed away from Loki and walked over to Clint who was watching the entire confrontation making your cheeks turn a soft pink "So Birdie, where are we heading?"

"Stuttgart, Germany. Königstraße 28" Clint answered easily

You smirked "Lass uns gehen, Vogeljunge"

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this. I actually asked my friend who lives in Germany if I spelled the German part right XD
It is so hard trying to get all this done accurately while butting in another character and adding more behind the scenes. I kinda love it. I got three windows open, one for writing the story, one with the script and the research to make sure I have everything right, and one or a show I'm watching to keep me entertained.

Auf Wiedersehen!! Guten Nacht, guten morgen, oder guten nachtmittag!!

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