The Owl House

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Hunter sighed. It had been a very. long. day.
He rested his elbows on the counter, and grabbed the tip jar sitting beside him. He lazily dumped it out, and started counting.
He sighed.
"Lousy tips for the day?" Said Eda as she walked around the corner, holding a spray bottle of bleach and a rag.
"I just cleaned the bathrooms. Did you know that those cinnamon lattes apparently don't do well In your gut?!" She said, making a gagging noise.
Eda was the owner of the Owl House, a local cafe, where people could come to drink coffee, grab a bite to eat, and feed Eda's pet owl, King. Hunter had worked there for 2 years, and loved it.
Suddenly, there was a large crash from the back kitchen.
"HOOTY WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Eda yelled, and stormed into the back.
Hooty was Eda's bother, but everyone called him uncle Hooty. He had worked at the cafe for as long as Hunter could remember. He was the towns own personal celebrity, known specifically for his egg and bacon sandwiches, which they sold at the cafe.
Hooty walked out the the kitchen, covered in maple syrup.
"Hunter, don't touch the maple syrup." He said, and plunked down into a chair.
"Noted." Hunter said with a laugh as he cleaned the espresso machine.
Eda marched out of the back kitchen, also covered in maple syrup.
"Hunter, could you close up the shop tonight? I have a date." Eda said, taking off her apron.
"Yeah sure." He said.
"With rain?" Hooty asked.
"Yes...." Eda answered, blushing.
"Anyways, you two boys have a good night." She said, and grabbed her coat.
"And hunter, don't forget to lock up." She said, and tossed him the keys.
"You got it." He said as he fumbled the keys.
She shut the door, the bell jingling.
"well, I guess I should go." Hooty said. He pulled open a door and left, not even bothering to take off his maple syrup covered apron.
Hunter walked into the back, only to find a large jug of maple syrup, lying on the ground. As he began to mop it up, his phone dinged in his pocket.
Hunter: yes.
Luz: how was work? :3
Hunter: good.
Luz: what did hooty do...
Hunter: how do you know that he did something?
Luz: instincts ;)
Hunter: he spilled a jug of maple syrup. How is college treating you?
Luz: pretty good! Me and Amity have a few classes together. CALIFORNIA IS SO COOL. Wish you were with us.
Hunter: yeah. Me too.
Luz: how's Eda?
Hunter: Great! She's going on a date with rain tonight.
Luz: 😏
Hunter: 😏
Luz: have 2 go. Girlfriend needs help. Luv u!
Hunter: love you too.
Hunter sighed. He missed his friends. All of them had gone off to college, and he was stuck in the small town of his childhood. He was taking classes at the community college. He trying to major in physiology, but the classes weren't enough. He had been saving up to go to a real college, but it was so expensive.
Hunter finished mopping up the mess, and headed home. Maybe tomorrow will be better he thought as he opened his small apartment door.
Hi person who is reading this! I thought his ship was kinda cute, and decided to write a fanfic. Plz no hate. Love u guys!! This will probably become some sort of short story? Idk.

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