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MagicmanicG: yo

Goldenguard1786: yes

MagicmanicG: I have some crush advice for you

Goldenguard1786: and..?

MagicmanicG I know it might seem hard, but try to be confident around your person. Don't shy away.

Goldenguard1786: lol you sound like my therapist

MagicmanicG: you have a therapist?

Goldenguard1786: yes.
Goldenguard1786: you.

MagicmanicG: thanks?

MagicmanicG: I can't believe I'm going to meet you soon.

Goldenguard1786: I know. It's crazy. We've been talking forever.

MagicmanicG: hehehe.

Gus set his phone down. Just 2 weeks. Two weeks. Then he would finally get to meet Goldenguard1786.

Hunter couldn't wait. College. He would finally get to see Luz and Amity! He would finally be able to meet MagicmanicG. He couldn't believe it.

Hunter set down his phone and looked around his apartment. Most of the stuff was in boxes, getting ready for his move out. He was finally going to get out of this town. He heard footsteps. His uncle...
"HUNTER!" He burst through the door.

"Yes uncle??" Hunter said, slightly annoyed.

"Don't use that tongue with me young man." He said sternly.

Hunter sighed. His uncle had decided it stay in a hotel to help hunter in his final days of packing and preparations. He tended to have a habit of bursting into hunter's apartment whenever hunter needed him the least. Hunter was so ready to leave this place.

"Hunter, I found a box of old things in the back of your closet. Go through them all so that I can throw them away." His uncle said, dropping a box at his feet and leaving.

"Umm.. thanks?" Hunter said, picking up the box and placing it on the bed.
He carefully opened it, to reveal piles of old photos and trinkets from hunters parents.
He flipped through the photos. His parents on a date, his parents getting married, his parents on their honeymoon. He suddenly stopped when he saw it. It was a photo of his mother holding him as a baby. He was looking up at her with such wonder, as she looked back at him with such love in her eyes. Hunter felt tears start to fall. He flipped the photo over to read the date on the back. 2001, November 21st. 10 days before the accident. Hunter felt his body sink to the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks, falling onto the photo and into his lap. He held the photo to his chest. If only they hadn't decided to run out for eggs. If only they hadn't turned right instead of left. Maybe then hunter would have grown up with a normal life. Without a homophonic asshole of an uncle, constantly yelling at him. Maybe hunter would be at college. Maybe he would be happy. But no. Hunter carefully placed the photos back in the box and closed it. He whipped away his tears and put the box in the "take to college pile."
He sniffed.
His life was going to get better. He was sure if it.
Hi! Sorry if this chapter was kinda sad. I will defiantly be updating more often. I'm so excited to see where this stories gonna go!! Don't forget to vote and comment!! Love you guys 💕

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