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Goldenguard1789: hey

MagicManicG: hey

Goldenguard1789: I cant believe we're finally going to meet each other

MagicManicG: fr

Goldenguard1789: do you need me to send you the location again?

MagicManicG: you've sent it to me like.. 5 times already. lol.

Goldenguard1789: lol sorry. I'm sorry. just super nervous.

MagicManicG: I get it. scared I'm a murderer?

Goldenguard1789: yes.

MagicManicG: Ah. Have you ever been on a blind date?

Goldenguard1789: no

MagicManicG: Well... just think of it as one of those. It's 2 people, going to meet each other for the first time.

Goldenguard1789: uh huh

MagicManicG: not convinced?


MagicManicG: want me to send a photo?

Goldenguard1789:um no

MagicManicG: why?

Goldenguard1789: I wanna keep it a surprise

MagicManicG: oh. right.

Goldenguard1789: I can't believe I'm finally going to meet you though.

MagicManicG: same.

Goldenguard1789: I mean..

MagicManicG: yeah?

Goldenguard1789: I've talked to you for almost 6 months

MagicManicG: yeah. its crazy

Goldenguard1789: And, I'm about to meet you in person, for the first time.

MagicManicG: Ikr?

Goldenguard1789: You know me better than anybody else. And, I've never even met you face to face.

MagicManicG: I honestly can't believe it either.

Goldenguard1789: I mean, isn't it strange that we can even you that?

MagicManicG: yeah.

Goldenguard1789: Anyways, see you tomorrow?

MagicManicG: yeah. Tomorrow.

Goldenguard1789: wow... tomorrow.

MagicManicG: tomorrow..

Hunter lay on the bed of his Un-decorrated dorm room. Tomorrow...

Hi guys, updates are gonna be spaced out a little more cause I'm having phone difficulties. This book will hopefully be ending soon. (FINALLY!!) And I'm so excited to finally see how it ends. Love you guys!


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