Fly Away Home

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Ok, before this chapter starts, I just wanna thank you guys so much. You have been nothing but supportive and I really appreciate it. This is my first real fic that I'm actually gonna follow through with, sooo stay tuned!
Love you guys so much!!

The whipped cream flew from the nozzle as hunter attempted to get it into the cup. The customer looked slightly concerned as hunter handed him a wobbly tower of whipped cream. The customer thank him, before slowly walking back to him table, balancing the cup.
"Last day. You've grown so much." Eda said from behind him. Hunter jumped with surprise.
"Haha. Guess so." Hunter said.
He was leaving for California tomorrow, and he couldn't believe it.
"Ya know kid, when I had to say goodbye to Luz, it was hard. But you? Haha. That's gonna be harder." Eda said, ruffling his hair.
"Really?" Hunter said sarcastically, a smile on his face.
"Yeah! I mean.. I raised Luz, but you. You, are my only employee." Eda said laughing.
"You have Hooty." Hunter said.
"I don't pay him. He lives upstairs. He works for rent." Eda said chuckling.
Then as if I'm cue, Hooty walked in.
"Hunter!!" He said, his eyes watering.
"Hey Hooty." Hunter said as Hooty embraced him in an awkward hug.
"We're all gonna miss you so much." He said.
Hunter almost found himself tearing up. Hooty was never one to get sad. He was always the life of the party, and always tried to make everybody happy.
"We'll drive you too the airport, ok?" Eda said.
Hunter agreed, and hung up his apron.
"I'll pick you up at 7:30,
ok?" Eda called out the door.
Hunter gave her a silent thumbs up as tears rolled down his cheeks.
He headed home and began the final packing. After a sleepless night, Eda rolled up to the curb.
The three of them began to load all of hunters stuff into Eda's van.
"That's the last of it!" Hunter exclaimed, pushing one final box into the back.
"The rest goes to the goodwill bin."
The three of them piled into the car and headed off to the airport.
This was it.
He was starting his new life.
Hunter starred out of his window, watching his small town pass by.
After about an hour, they finally made it too the airport. They loaded all of his stuff onto the cart, and hunter took one last glance at the people who had helped him through so much. With one final embrace, he headed off to security.
"See ya later kid." Eda said as Hunter disappeared into the crowd of people.

"ID please."
The airport security guard said as Gus stepped up to the booth.
"Date of birth?"
"October 9th 2001" He said, as his ID was placed back into his hand.
"Thank you for flying with us."
Gus headed breezed through security, heading straight for his gate. He set down his bags and headed to the nearest Starbucks.

"Holy shit." Hunter said, when he saw the line at the Starbucks.
About 29 people stood in front of him, but seeing as he had already made it too the gate, and hadn't had coffee yet, he decided to wait it out. He settle on his phone and opened up Snapchat.
Goldenguard1786: yo

MagicmanicG: yeah?

Goldenguard1786: guess who's getting on their plane in an hour,
to go to California?!

MagicmanicG: lemme guess.. you?

Goldenguard1786: bingo

MagicmanicG: what day should we meet?

Goldenguard1786: Wednesday?

MagicmanicG: works for me.

Goldenguard1786: have you gone to college yet?

MagicmanicG: no.
I don't really plan to either.

Goldenguard1786: what your big plan?

MagicmanicG: hit it big.

Goldenguard1786: Broadway?

MagicmanicG: something like that.

Hunter looked up from his phone. Finally.
He ordered, and then stood off to the side to wait for his drink.
"Gus?" The barista called, and set down a huge frappuccino.
Hunter snapped his head up, as he saw the boy walk up to the counter to get his drink. Before hunter could stop himself, he waved his hand in the air.
"Gus!!" He exclaimed.
The boy looked over, spotted hunter. His face lit up and he rushed over.
"Oh my gosh how are you?" He said, his cheeks a light shade of pink.
"I'm good! I can't believe we ran into one another!!" Hunter said, his voice high pitched.
"Wait.. your going to California, right?" Gus said.
"Yeah.." hunter said questioningly.
"Me too!! What's you gate?"
"OMG ME TOO!!" Gus practically yelled.
"Hunter?" The barista called from the counter.
"Hey, meet me back at the gate?" Hunter asked.
"Sure!" Gus said, and walked off.
Hunter felt hims body sigh with happiness.
He hated having crushes.
He headed back to the gate, coffee in hand, and sat down next to Gus.
"What seat are you in?" Gus asked.
"Umm G17" Hunter said, taking a long sip of his coffee.
"No way. We have seats together!!" Gus exclaimed.
No. Hunter couldn't handle this. The universe had done enough already. Meeting up at Starbucks? Fine. Going to the same place? Uhh... Sitting next to one another on the same fight?! 
Hunter was done with his life.
All of the sudden the speaker crackled to life.
"This is the call for boarding for fight to California 7813."
"Crap. We gotta go." Gus said, and the two boys headed onto the plane.
Hehe that was a long chapter. Luz and Amity in the next one!! It's pouring ran where I am rn. I love the rain. Have a good day lovelies!

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