Catpuccino 🐱☕️

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7 am. Hunter groggily opened his eyes to the sound of his phone going crazy.
Amity: HELP
Hunter: maybe she went to get coffee. Did you even text her?
Amity: oh.
Amity: no.
Amity: that makes a lot of sense. Thank u
Hunter: yeah no problem.
Hunter sighed. This happened almost on a weekly basis. Amity wouldn't be able to find Luz, and then freak out and think she was seeing someone else.
Hunter rolled out of bed, and slipped on his normal white shirt, maroon hoodie with a cat on it, and jeans. He grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard, and looked around the apartment. It had 2 rooms, one with a kitchen/dining room/living room, and the other one served as his bedroom. He had a small closet bathroom, with a tiny shower, and a sink and a toilet. It was tiny, but it was home.
He grabbed his keys, and shut and locked his door. He got to the owl house around 8:30, and walked inside, only to be greated by the commotion of morning rush hour. People in business suits rushed in and out, but he never payed any attention to them.
"Hey kid." Eda said as hunter walked in.
"Hey Eda." He replied as he grabbed his apron. He threw it on, and went up to the counter. The regular people came in, got their coffee and breakfast sandwiches, and left.
Hooty knew almost everyone's names, and he greeted them all every morning.
"Good morning Lilith."
"Good morning Belos."
"Good morning Boscha."
Today there were two new faces at the cafe. Both of them, hunter had never seen before. A short, stout girl came in. She had round glasses, and wore a sweatshirt that read "protect the trees!" In big bold letters. Behind her, followed a boy with dark skin, and black hair that pointed straight up.
He wore a-
Hunter starred at the boy for a moment. He was dressed in a tuxedo, with a long purple cape, and a top hat.
How strange.... Hunter thought.
The girl walked up to the counter.
"Hi! I'll have a breakfast sandwich, and a cup of chamomile tea with light sweetener and cream please." She said.
"And who is that for?" He asked.
"Willow please." She said, and smiled.
The strange boy was up next.
He looked Hunter up and down, before focusing on his maroon sweatshirt, which sported a cat.
"I'll have a 'Catpuccino'" He said, a stupid grin on his face, and wiggling his eyebrows"
"What...?" Hunter said, not getting the joke.
Gus sighed.
He hated having a stubborn audience.
"Well, you have cat on your sweatshirt, and I asked for a Cappuccino, but because you had a cat on your sweatshirt, I replaced "cap" with "cat"" he explained.
"Ok..." hunter said, clearly still not getting the joke.
"Do you still want to order something?"
Gus, now slightly embarrassed looked at the menu.
"Uh....  I'll have a cappuccino."
"For who?" Hunter asked.
Hunter studied the boy for a second.
"Are you the weird magician kid who was in Mr Marshals 3rd period?" He asked.
Gus blushed even harder.
"Well, I'll have you know that I am now a professional." He said, trying to summon up as much confidence as possible.
"Oooooh. That explains the getup." Hunter said.
"Yeah.." Gus said.
"Anyways, I like your sweatshirt." Gus said, and headed off to sit down with willow.
"What a weird kid.." Hunter thought.
As soon as Gus sat down at the table with Willow, he new something was up.
"So..." Willow said, wiggling her eyebrows, and grinning.
"The barista is kinda cute, dont'cha think?" She said.
"What?! No!!" Gus said, extremely flustered.
"Ok..." Willow said, sipping her tea thoughtfully.
I guess he's kind of cute. Gus thought. But he would never tell anyone that.
Willow knows what's up 😏😏😏
Anyways, I won't be able to post for the next week or so, because I'm going to sleep away camp! I tried make make this chapter a little longer than usual. Hope you enjoyed!

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