21- SpaghettiOs

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I woke up to the sound of a lighter flicking. I slowly opened my eyes to see Eddie sat against a wall, a lighter in hand. It was weird to see him awake before me. "Hey, what's the time?" I asked in a confused tone, my eyes squinting from the sunlight.

"Rise and shine sweetheart," he announced sarcastically before looking down at his watch. "9:32."

"How come you're already up?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. It wasn't like him to get out of bed earlier than he needed to.

"I didn't sleep much," he admitted, fiddling with the lighter that he was holding.
"Why?" I asked.

"Why do you think? I couldn't sleep knowing you could start levitating at any second," he replied.

"Oh," I muttered. "You didn't have-"

He suddenly shushed me, putting a finger to his lips. He looked around hesitantly as I immediately froze.

His lips immediately cracked into a sly grin. "Gotcha," he said.

"Seriously?" I said, giving him an annoyed look. "Fuck you."

I rolled my eyes, averting my eyes to the bags of food that the others had given to us. But alas, the bags were empty. "Great, we're out of food," I said with a sigh.

"Yeah, guess we'll just have to starve" he said, also fixating his eyes onto the empty bags before looking out of the window behind me.

"Or, we could look in there," he suggested, signalling to the home in which the boat house we'd been staying in belonged to.

"That's probably not a good idea," I said hesitantly. "What if someone sees us."

He shrugged. "Oh well."
He stood up, walking towards the door and pushing it open, "You coming?"

I shook my head, knowing I didn't have a choice. I stood up and stepped out of the boat. "Fine."

He held the door open as I approached, holding his arm out. "Lady's first."

I scoffed at the chivalrous gesture, walking out into the open. The house wasn't covered in vines like it was when I was under Vecna's trance, and the air was clear of fog. I hesitated a little bit as Eddie followed behind me. "You good?" He whispered in my ear, leaning down to reach my level.

I slightly jumped, hitting him in his arm for startling me. "I'm good," I said, not able to hide my smile as I looked up at the boy. As we approached the front door, I twisted the handle to the locked door. "How are we meant to get in here," I groaned, eyeing the door in front of me.

"Like this," he said, pulling a key from behind a plant pot, dangling it in his hand.

"Wow... so desecrate," I said sarcastically.

He inserted the key, pushing the door open to reveal the interior of the house. It was disorganised and looked like no one had been inside for a while.

"There's gotta be something in here," I said, following Eddie as he walked straight to the kitchen, flipping through the draws and scanning the cabinets. He opened the top cabinet, finding a singular can of spaghettiOs, picking it up and presenting it to me. 

"Yeah," he snorted. "You'll do."

He turned on the stove, pouring the contents of the can into a pot, stirring it as it heated up. I watched the food as he stirred it around in the pot,
"This is not enough for two," I complained.

He looked down at me, and back at the spaghettiOs. "Well, suck it up, princess."

Once it was done heating up, he poured the food into two seperate bowls, sliding the one that had slightly more over to me.

"Hey, you should have this one," I said as I slid it back to him.

"Do you always complain this much?" He said, giving me a sarcastic smile. I scoffed, nudging him in the side as he walked off. "Ouch."

He picked up the walkie-talkie he brought inside.

"Hey, Dustin, this is Eddie the banished," he spoke into the device. "You there?"

There was no response, of course. "Dustin, can you hear me?" He said. "Dustin? Earth to Dustin."

"He's clearly not there," I said, putting a spoonful of spaghettiOs in my mouth.

"Hey, it's Nancy," a voice said from the other end.

Eddie gave me a 'told you so' look before replying, "Wheeler, Hey! Um, we're gonna need a food delivery, like, really soon, unless you want us going out into the world-"

"No. No, no, no. Don't do that," Nancy replied, cutting him off. "Stay where you are, and we'll be there as soon as we can."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, um... can you pick me up a six-pack?" Eddie said.

"Seriously?" I asked, leaning against the wall next to him.

"I know, it's stupid as shit, drinking right now, but a cold beer would really calm my jangled nerves," he reasoned.

"Hey, I'm gonna have to call you back," Nancy said abruptly from the other line.

"No, don't you da- Wheeler? Wheeler?"
He put the walkie-talkie down with a groan.

I shrugged, eating another mouthful of spaghettiOs. "Why do you need beer anyway?" I said, my mouth half full.

"Like I said," he began. "To calm my jangled nerves."

"Well, you have me," I smiled, putting the last of the spaghettiOs in my mouth.

"Yeah?" He said, unexpectedly wrapping his arm around my waste. I put the bowl down as I looked up at him, staring into his hypnotising, dark-brown eyes.

Without saying anything more, our lips connected, both laced with spaghettiO sauce, but neither of us cared. I moved my hand to his chin, deepening the kiss as he walked backwards, sitting back onto the couch. I was now straddled on top of him, his hands softly on my waist.

"What if someone finds us here," I said. He looked around behind me, shrugging. "I don't see anyone."

He smiled back into the kiss, his hands around my waist pulling me closer. He pulled away, beginning to kiss the top of my neck, pressing tender kisses all the way to my collar bone, causing butterflies to explode in my stomach. I moved my hands up the back of his neck as his hand moved down to my thigh and I let out a desecrate moan. Our lips connected again and as they did so, his hand rode further up my thigh.

As our lips moved together, nothing else had ever felt so perfect. Whenever our lips met, my stomach exploded with unexplainable fireworks, and a swarm of butterflies filled me up as his hand explored my body. I was head over heels for Eddie and there was no turning back. No matter the situation, no matter how much we'd bicker, he still liked me for who I truly was. For the first time ever I had someone who liked me for me, and that was all that mattered.

1158 words

vol 2... ☹️
that's all im going to say

ily all

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