28- Twinkling Light

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My eyes met Steve's immediately, the two of us both sharing the same look of shock and confusion. No words were shared between us before we immediately rushed back down the stairs into the direction that the voice was coming from.

We circled the room, holding our breaths as we listened for the voice. "Are we going crazy?" I asked, my voice shaky as I whipped my head back around to face Steve.

The boy immediately put his finger over his lips to shush me again, listening to the mumbles of Dustin.

"He's here... Dustin!" He yelled. "Dustin!"

"Dustin! Can you hear me!" I joined in as Steve began to frantically scan the room, shining the torch directly into my eyes. "Ouch, Watch that!"

Ignoring me, he continued to call out, "Du- Hello? Hel... Hello? Hello!"

"Hello!" I yelled, looking up at the ceiling.

"Guys, what are you doing?"

Immediately startled by the feminine voice, I whipped my head around, Steve's torch illuminating their faces as Nancy, Robin and Eddie stood watching us with concerned expressions.

"He's here. Henderson. That little shit, he's here. He's like..." Steve panted as he explained frantically.

"It's like he's... like he's in the walls or something. Wait- just listen," I added as I pointed to the wall behind me. "Dustin..."

"Dustin! Dustin! Dustin!" Steve yelled as he continued to frantically search for the voice.
"Dustin! Can you hear me?"

The mumbling of Dustin's voice continued, causing the three to share shocked looks amongst themselves.

Just moments later, all five of us searched the house for the voice.
"Dustin?" Eddie called as he ripped open the curtain to look behind it as I ducked to look underneath the table aimlessly.

"This is so stupid," I muttered to myself before continuing to look around the room.

"Dustin!" Robin screamed.

"All right, either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total douchebag," Steve sighed.

"Will found a way," Nancy suddenly announced, causing a confused expression to spread across everyone's faces.

"What?" Steve said.

"Will, he found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights," Nancy explained as she rushed over to a nearby lamp.


"Yeah," Nancy said as she rapidly tried to switch on the lamp.

"The switch. Try the switch," Steve reminded her as she averted her attention to where he was pointing.

"It's not working," she complained as she panically flicked the switch over and over again.

Steve suddenly turned around, pointing the flashlight to the chandelier that was fixed in the centre of the room.
"Guys? You seeing this?"

As I fixed my eyes onto the fancy chandelier, I noticed the faint voice of Dustin was coming directly from the sparkling object. We all slowly walked towards the chandelier, noticing the glitter twinkling around it, each particle as beautiful as the other. Nancy reached to touch it, causing an even brighter trail of twinkling sparkles to appear at the tip of her finger as she gently moved her hand around.

"Whoa..." Eddie said as we got closer to the scene. We all reached our hand out, copying Nancy as the neon trail of sparkles followed our fingers. An odd sensation immediately hitting me as I moved my hand around slowly.

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