22- Boat Chase

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"Hah! I won again!" I exclaimed, as the object I threw clattered inside of the spaghettiOs can, a tally carved into the wall, showing that I had won. Several  games of noughts and crosses that I had also won, were scribbled on the back of a crumpled up piece of paper next to us. 

He threw his head back in annoyance. "How are you so good at this?" He complained.

"I'm good at everything," I said with a wink.

He scoffed, leaning his back up against the peeling wall of the boat house.

"I hate you so much," he said, not able to keep a straight face.
"Sure," I teased.

Suddenly, the noise of a car could be heard outside, getting closer as it came to a stop. Eddie peaked his head through the window, ducking again. My whole body tensed up as I ducked with him. "Shit... shit," Eddie muttered.

"What is it?" I whispered as he walked over to the other window. I followed him, looking out of the window to see Jason, Patrick, and Andy.

"Holy shit," I said, beginning to panic.

Eddie grabbed the walkie-talkie, speaking into it, panic evident in his voice. "Hey Dustin, you there?"

I ran my finger through my hair impatiently.
"It's Eddie, You remember me, right?"

I snatched the device off of Eddie, speaking into it, "Hey, if anyone's there, I really think we might be in a bit of trouble here. Okay? Dustin? Nancy?"

I slapped the device with my hand in anger, "Anybody?!"

With a grunt, I shoved the device back into Eddie's hands. He cursed under his breath, grabbing me by the hand as we hid underneath the window.

"How the hell did they find us?" I asked, my head in my hands.

"I don't fucking know!" He said in a whisper-shout.

We sat shoulder-to-shoulder as we waited for Jason and his friends to search through the house. We sat in anticipation as what felt like hours passed, the sun setting outside. "What are they doing in there?" I complained, beginning to get pins and needles in my leg.

The moonlight began to shine through the shack as Eddie grabbed the walkie-talkie for the hundredth time, speaking into it impatiently. "Dustin? Please. Are... Are you there?"

He looked at me, and averted his eyes to the boat, and I did the same. We were thinking the exact same thing. "Never mind," he said, giving up with the walkie-talkie as we both headed towards the boat.
We removed it from the pillars that it was connected to as I grabbed the oar that was propped up against the wall, handing it the Eddie. Removing the tarp, we set off, the boat slowly moving forward against the rippling of the lake.

He slowly used the oar the move us forward, hardly getting anywhere. "Do something!" He said to me as I tried to get the engine to start.

"I am! This shitty thing's not budging!" I said irritatedly.

"Hey freak!" Jason's voice called from the shore, my whole body tensing as I looked up to see Patrick and Jason in black suits. "Where do you thing you're going?" he yelled.

"Shit," Eddie said, frantically pushing past me in attempt to get the engine started. He repeatedly pulled it, "Just come on!" Eddie said emphatically. "You piece of shit!"

The engine spluttered, no chance of it starting. "Come on. Gotta help me out here, man," he said, hitting the engine as he spoke.
As he continued to pull on the engine, Jason jumped into the water and in a panic, Eddie picked up the oar again, continuing to move the boat forwards.

I started on the engine once again, "Come on! Goddamn it!" I yelled, kicking it with my dirty shoe. Jason and Patrick swam through the water, getting closer and closer to the boat.

As they got closer, Eddie swung the oar around, "Stay back man! Stay back!"

"Florence what are you doing here?" Jason said. "Did this freak kidnap you?"

"No! He's innocent you fucker!" I yelled through the noise of splashing water.

"Yeah, right. You just fell for his brainwashing and manipulation," he spat.

"Look, Jason, I know it sounds crazy but you've gotta believe me here-"

"So this is what you call avenging Chrissy? Teaming up with the freak? I was right about you all along, you were only friends with Chrissy so that you could get closer to the team, you never wanted to be friends with her," he growled. "Now Eddie's manipulating you just like you manipulated her!"

"Fuck you!" I yelled back at him as Patrick suddenly stopped in the water.

"Hey, come on! We almost have them," He called to him. "Hey Patrick! Patrick?"

Suddenly, he was pulled under the water, vanishing from our sight.

"Hey Patrick?" Jason asked, scanning the water. I looked behind me at Eddie to see him frozen in his tracks.

As I stood completely still, a loud splash came from the water and Patrick's body flung into the air. Eddie suddenly fell back, tilting the boat, causing us both to fall back into the water without any warning.

The water was ice-cold and I immediately struggled, pulling myself up to the surface, gasping for air as I did so. Patrick was floating in the air, his limbs snapping one-by-one. My body instantly fell into shock, my mouth gaping open as I watched the graphic scene in front of me.

His body fell back into the water and all that I could think about was Chrissy, and how the exact thing happened to her. Someone so kind and innocent had to go through that, and the fact that it could have been me if it wasn't for Eddie.

My body was completely tensed as I fought the water, trying to stay on top of the surface. My eyes became blurry with tears and I couldn't see where I was, my ears were ringing and all I could hear was the splashing of water.

But suddenly, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I whipped my head around to see Eddie and his head of wet hair. "Come on," he said, pulling my arm.

We swam until I could no longer feel my legs, and eventually we reached the shore, far from the boat house and far from Jason.

1069 words

finally out of that mf boat house setting


i'm still grieving Eddie's death i can't do this anymore 💀

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