4- Aftermath

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My mind began to clear up and I could feel the soft texture of sheets from my fingertips. The unfamiliarity of the setting caused me to shoot my eyes open, as I clenched the blanket covering me, scanning the unfamiliar room. The first thing I noticed was the many posters plastered along the walls, the clothes scattered throughout the floor, and the electric guitar that was proudly up for display.

My breath hitched as a realisation hit me. Memories from the previous night came flooding back as I hit myself in the head several times, groaning, full of regret.

Sighing, I pulled off the blanket covering my body as I quickly stood up. I noticed my converse on the floor, and my leather jacket lying on the floor next to them. I could almost cry from embarrassment before picking them up and quietly making my way out of the bedroom.

Realising the coast was clear, I quietly sneaked down the corridor. Looking up, I could see a wall covered in hats. Interesting.

Just as I was about to exit the building, barefoot, my hair matted and makeup likely smudged, I heard a strum of a guitar.

I froze in my tracks. Cringing, I turned around to see the long haired boy.

"Not so fast, Florence," he teased, leaning his face onto his hand.

"Eddie, hi, uh..." I began, fidgeting with my rings before opening my mouth again. "Sorry about this, I barely remember what happened last night. I just remember drinking. Drinking some more, and more. And then I ended up here. I don't know how and if I did anything weird I didn't-"

"You blacked out within the first thirty seconds of being in my car. Obviously meaning I didn't catch your address. So out of the kindness of my heart, I let you sleep in my bed whilst I slept on this immensely uncomfortable couch," he said, ending his statement with a sarcastic smile.

I awkwardly smiled back before turning around, getting ready to leave as fast as possible.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I paused once again, rolling my eyes before turning to face the boy again. God his face was annoying.

"I'll give you a ride. As much as I don't want to, there's no way on Earth you'll find your way home," he said, putting his guitar down and twirling the set of keys in his hand.

"Are you questioning my sense of direction? Plus, I don't need your help, I've been in your presence enough for one day," I said audaciously, staring at him and his stupid clothes.

He stood up, ignoring my statement and walking straight pass me and out of the door. I stood there helplessly before giving in and following him outside. As I walked onto the front yard, I could see now that he lived in some sort of trailer park.

"I know, probably not the castle you're used to, princess," he said mockingly in response to me looking at my surroundings.

"What? No, it's nice," I said, before turning my head to see a familiar red head, holding out food for a dog behind a gate. Realising someone from my school had seen me exit Eddie Munson's home, I quickly got into the passenger seat of his van, putting my head into my palms.

As Eddie began reversing, he placed one hand on the wheel, and the other on the head of the passenger seat. I looked over at him as he concentrated on the road. Even the way he drove made him look cool.

I looked away immediately, blaming my intrusive thoughts. He wasn't cool, he was nothing but a loser, and I couldn't wait to get home and shower. This would be the last time I'd ever be in Eddie Munson's car, and hopefully the last time I'd ever be forced to face him again.

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