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Carlisle Cullen couldn't help but sigh once more when the image of Cosette came back into his mind. Her smile, her cheerful and delicate voice, her kindness, her ash-blonde hair, and her stormy blue eyes. It all seemed beautiful and perfect, the only problem was that... she didn't seem to notice him.

"Carlisle, maybe you should calm down a bit," Edward suggested, feeling fed up with the thoughts his father figure had been having since his return from the hospital.

Although he didn't entirely blame him, that woman was interesting. He was unable to read her, but he could tell that even if she seemed innocent and easily fooled, she was no fool. He knew this when they overheard her conversation with Dr. Brais in the corridor about their new patient.

The man's mind was rotten and she seemed to be aware of it. Every word that came from Cosette's lips seemed to be thought out in detail, so much so that when she complimented them with Dr. Brais's thoughts, Edward realized that Cosette was being thorough and cautious.

He only hoped that whatever Cosette did, whatever her true personality and intentions were, it would not harm Carlisle. From Edward's point of view, while it was true that he had held a grudge against him in his early years as a vampire, Carlisle Cullen had -after all- become his father figure. He was his father and he wanted his happiness more than anything else.

The problem was that -for some strange reason- the scent that Cosette gave off was calling to him. Not as a tua cantante, but as a mate, which was impossible. It was a strange sensation, that scent called him as a mate, but at the same time it didn't.

It was a secret he planned to keep deep inside himself to avoid destroying his father's happiness. Whatever it was that essence that drew him to Cosette, he would ignore it. Because he knew better than anyone that Carlisle deserved to be happy, and he had no intention of preventing that.

He would not let an uncertain feeling ruin Carlisle's happiness.

"You'll have more opportunities," Jasper -also fed up with the negative emotions emanating from the patriarch- snapped, drawing the attention of the two men in the room. "Alice said you should come along as chaperone for our trip," he added moments later, recalling the talk he had had earlier with his wife, "and she won't be taking no for an answer."

She seemed to have something planned by the tone in which she said it, but you could never tell with her. She could be very mysterious when she put her mind to it.

"Did she say anything else?"
"You know how she is, she loves surprises," Jasper smiled helplessly before leaving the room as he had entered.

Carlisle and Edward both shook their heads in amusement at Alice's witticism.

"I guess I'll go and ask for a day off," the patriarch commented, rising from his seat.

He was curious about Alice's insistence that he go on a teenage field trip.

𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 || 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐄 𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍 [𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐕𝐄𝐑.]Where stories live. Discover now