Chapter 30.

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Y/n POV:

I woke up to a tingling sore sensation throughout my entire body. I felt a soft mattress beneath me and somebody holding my hand but I didn't remember this in HYDRA?
It had never been such an effort to open my eyes before so I relied on my others senses.
I could hear a steady beating of a heart monitor and the soft whir of a machine. The hand that was wrapped around mine tightened and I heard someone clear their throat.
"Loki you need to eat something" I heard Thor sigh,
"No I'm not leaving her side" I heard Loki huff like a puffed up cat,
"Y/n would want you to take care of yourself" Thor reasoned,
"I hate it when your right" I heard Loki mumble,
"Shall I bring you something brother?" Thor asked politely,
"Can you bring me some pancakes?" I heard Loki ask in a whisper,
"Of course brother" Thor laughed before thunderous footsteps faded into the distance.
"My love, I know you can't hear me but I'm going to tell you something important..." I heard Loki say,
"You are so special to me and soon I'm going to have to go back to Asgard-" Loki began,
"Loki?" I asked with a croaky voice, peeling my eyes open to look at him. He was sitting in the hospital chair directly beside my bed still holding my hand.
"Darling!" Loki said whilst standing and wrapping his arms around me, I could tell he was being careful when hugging me. Loki was acting like I was a fragile piece of fine China that could break into a million pieces any second.
"I missed you so much" I whispered into his battle cloaks whilst wrapping my arms tightly around him,
"You have no idea" Loki voiced aloud,
"It was so scary.." I said whilst tears poured from my eyes and into Loki's chest,
"It's okay, you are here now. Safe and in my arms where you belong.." Loki cooed, he sounded like he was mostly reassuring himself that I was really here. I smiled and wiped my tears as Loki repositioned himself on the hospital bed. Loki was on the bed and I sat between his legs and leaning back onto his cool chest.
"What happened to the-" I began asking,
"The men that harmed you are all now in custody at shield. I will be making sure to visit them shortly for daring to touch what's mine." Loki growled whilst the vibrations filtered through his chest,
"No Lokes what happened to Marco?" I said turning my head to look at him worriedly,
"Who's Marco?" Loki said turning to look at me with anger in his eyes,
"He's, he's my friend" I said softly,
"From HYDRA?" Loki said sounding pissed,
"I'll see too it that I find him later" I whispered to myself whilst turning my back to his chest. I took a deep breath and attempted to calm my still racing nerves.
"My love?" Loki asked, his voice much softer and less possessive now,
"Yes Lokes?" I said whilst exhaling,
"With your permission may I see what happened at HYDRA?" Loki said slowly,
"I'm still trying to process it myself Lokes" I said with a sad chuckle,
"No angel, I would never pressure you like that being the situation so fresh" Loki said quick to reassure me,
"Then how?" I said curiously,
"You forget about my magic abilities darling" Loki smirked whilst green smoke danced through his fingers making me stare in awe.
"Yes, you can look at my memories but will know, hurt?" I said in a small afraid voice,
"Thank you darling, and no I wouldn't dare suggest it if it involved pain on your behalf" Loki said, upset at the thought of hurting me.
"Okay, I trust you" I said whilst closing my eyes and laying back on his chest,
"There's a good girl" Loki said softly whilst placing his large cool hands on my forehead.
The sensation of Loki shifting through my memories felt weird. The entire time it felt like I needed to sneeze but I had to sit back and re live each memory from the recent traumatic events. Loki, being the gentleman he is respectfully only sifted through the recent memories had steered clear of my past. I knew I would tell him about it one day but today was not the day or time for it.
Once Loki was up to my present memories he was fired up and enraged. He gently picked me up from in between his legs and I whimpered at the loss of his touch beneath me. Loki heard this and paused but his anger controlling his movements he headed towards the door.
"Where are you going?" I said with tears in my eyes yet I refused to let them fall.
"That visit to those agents shan't be delayed a second longer." Loki gritted out angrily,
"No! Please don't leave me..." I said losing control of the tears as they fell. Loki looked back at me with a shocked expression and he paused from where he stood at the door. I huffed at the stubborn god and managed to swing my legs over the side of the hospital bed. Loki saw this and realised that I was going to stand and follow him and he teleported to my side and quickly layed his giant hands over my shoulder, laying me down gently on the bed.
"You are injured, rest." Loki said upset that I would further injure myself to come after him.
"You are upset, stay with me" I mimicked slightly but put emphasis behind my words to inform him I was being serious. Loki once again looked shocked at my words but eventually smirked, he was proud of me.
"Fine, just because you want me so badly" Loki said with an eye roll as he sat beside me on the hospital bed, swinging his legs up and sitting shoulder to shoulder.
"Hey, what happened to my wounds?" I said slowly inspecting myself. I was in a hospital gown but luckily still had my bra and underwear on beneath the thin piece of material. I noticed the rope wounds around my wrists were gone, the burn marks had closed over and the scars were fading.
"Besides the medical staff and Dr Banner, I healed you" Loki said whilst rubbing my back affectionately, he looked like he wanted to hold me in his arms but he restrained himself.
"You didn't need to do that" I said scolding him lightly,
"Oh so we're going to scold each other now?" Loki said sarcastically sounding prepared,
"Oh no.." I grumbled whilst putting my head in my hands, knowing that he was about to lecture me.
"Oh no is correct. Firstly you should not have come to the battle in the first place, besides what idiotic stark said" Loki said eyeing my argumentative expression.
"But-" I began,
"Secondly, you didn't stay out of the battle where either me or Thor could protect you." He said more firmly, I could sense the fear seeping into his voice. Telling me that he was legitimately scared for my life that day. I shushed myself and let him continue,
"And those days spent without you, even the thought of losing you permanently was just to much to handle" Loki said with glossy eyes,
"Oh Loki" I said softly whilst crawling into his arms and hugging him tightly, holding the Asgardian god together emotionally.
"But you are here now." Loki said whilst wrapping him arms around me and settling me in his arms,
"I am here now." I repeated firmly, secretly enjoying the feeling of his strong arms holding me to his built body. We both remained silent, enjoying the peace and serenity of being with one another.
"Am I interrupting something?" Thor said whilst suddenly appearing at the door.
I jumped skittishly out of Loki's arms and Loki huffed annoyed at the interruption.
"Yes oaf" Loki grumbled whilst reaching for me to come lie back down with him.
"No, no of course not Thor" I said whilst giving Loki a look. I turned to Thor who was standing in the doorway with two trays of food.
"Thank god your awake lady y/n" Thor grinned whilst setting the trays down. I smiled and slid off the bed and stood. Both gods instantly were at my side, Thor holding my arms and Loki with his arms wrapped around my torso.
"Darling you are hurt. You need to rest and stay of your feet for the day" Loki scolded like I was a kid,
"He is right lady y/n" Thor said whilst letting Loki pick me up bridal style and lay me on the bed.
"Over protective gods" I mumbled,
"Anyways I'm so glad your conscious y/n, brother wasn't taking care of himself with your lack of presence" Thor said relieved. Loki sat back in the chair beside my bed and I leaned over and smacked him over the head lightly,
"Ow, what was that for?" Loki whined, I know it didn't hurt him because the smirk on his face said otherwise.
"Because even if I wasn't awake or here I would want you to live and move on" I said obviously,
"Don't even joke about you not being here and moving on" Loki said sounding upset at the thought of it.
"Anyway, did anyone get hurt when you rescued me? Where is the team?" I said more to Thor than Loki,
"No one got injured severely lady y/n" Thor said with a smile,
"And I wouldn't allow you to heal anyone when you are still recovering yourself" Loki said protectively, making me roll my eyes at his instincts.
"We do have a new member of the avengers though" Thor boomed,
"Really who?!" I said excitedly,
"His name is SpiderMan" Thor said with a wide smile,
"Oh I know him that's cool, when can I meet him?" I said now looking over to Loki,
"Soon little one" Loki said with a smirk. I think Loki really liked it that I had asked him for permission before anyone else. I blushed and bit back a yawn,
"Go to sleep y/n, I will alert the team that you will meet Spider-Man tomorrow" Thor said before walking out,
"Bye Thor" I said sleepily,
"Sleep now cutie" Loki whispered whilst holding my hand from where he sat beside me,
"But what about you" I said incoherently as exhaustion invaded my senses,
"I will be here when you wake" Loki reassured whilst pressing a kiss to my forehead. I was to hazy to process this action and closed my eyes as sleep over came my body.
"Adorable.." I heard Loki mumbled before I was fast asleep.

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