Chapter 41.

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Y/n POV:

After dinner me and Loki decided to head to the library. I cut two pieces of cake to take with us and I had to physically fight Loki off from eating them.
"No, let's save them for a little later" I laughed whilst pushing him away from the 2 slices that sat on the plate I was holding.
"This is torture my love" Loki huffed whilst giving in and walking beside me towards the library. I laughed at his antics,
"Ladies first" Loki bowed whilst opening the library door for me,
"What a gentleman" I smiled at him before walking into the dimly lit library. I inhaled deeply and sighed happily,
"Ahh I love that old book smell" I sighed whilst walking over to the couch and sitting down,
"I love your smell" Loki flirted whilst sitting down next time and inhaling into my neck which tickled making me push him away.
"Your such a flirt" I laughed at him,
"Am I little one?" Loki purred whilst wrapping his arms around me, he was so cute when we were alone together,
"Here you go lokes" I said whilst passing him his slice of cake,
"Thank you baby" Loki said whilst kissing my hair and taking the slice from me. I grabbed a fork and began eating my piece. As soon as the cake entered my mouth I moaned at the delightful taste. I felt Loki stiffen beside me and a gravely cough sounded through his throat.
"Such a tease" I heard him grunt,
"Pardon lokes?" I asked whilst shoving the rest of the cake into my mouth,
"Nothing Babygirl" Loki said whilst finishing his piece of cake and trying to snatch a bite of mine.
"Hey you just had your slice!" I whined as he took a chunk of my cake,
"Darling, what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours" Loki chuckled whilst reaching for another bit,
"No what's yours is mine and mine is mine" I said with a laugh. Loki pouted and began doing puppy eyes at me,
"Okay fineeee I'll share with you" I groaned whilst bringing my plate within both of our reach. Loki laughed and we shared the rest of my cake, cozied up in the quiet sanctuary that was the library.
"Did you know I have a new nickname for you" I giggled evilly,
"Oh no and what might that be?" Loki inquired,
"Lil meat." I said whilst laughing,
"Pardon? Lil meat?" Loki said grumpily,
"Yeah there is the trend where girls call their boyfriends lil meat" I said trying to stifle my giggles,
"I can assure you the nickname 'lil meat' does disappoint darling" Loki winked at me.
"Whatever you say lil meat" I joked whilst Loki rolled his eyes playfully.

Eventually I stood up out of Lokis warm and embrace and began padding over to my favourite section of the library.
"My love come back" Loki said whilst making grabby hands at me,
"Wait a minute" I laughed whilst quickly scanning the books before grabbing the one I wanted.
Loki smiled at me as I ran back over to the couch we I snuggled up to him. I handed him the book and laid down in between his legs with my back resting on his chest. I looked up at him with pleading eyes and he looked down at me with an unreadable expression.
"Do you want me to read to you darling?" Loki asked softly, and I slightly slipped into a littler space. I tried to restrain it because Loki probably isn't into that sort of kinky stuff and it would just scare him off. I nodded up at him,
"Use your words for me sweetheart" Loki said gently making me blush,
"Can you please read to me?" I asked in a small voice,
"Of course I can baby" Loki said with a smile whilst kissing my forehead softly. I smiled with glee as Loki wrapped his arms around me and summoned a blanket over the top of us and opened the book in front of me.
"Chapter 1, It was a warm July evening.." Loki began in a soothing and calming voice. I smiled and closed my eyes, complete in my happy place. After 5 minutes Loki laughed,
"You are going to fall asleep any second" Loki laughed,
"I'm still listening" I murmured against his chest, eyes still closed. Loki chuckled before continuing with the book.
"Mhm okay love" Loki said whilst softly stroking his fingers through my hair. I smiled sleepily at the wonderful sensation and it wasn't long until I drifted to sleep in loki's arms.

At one point I did hear lokis voice stop and I felt myself being picked up but I ignored it and cuddled closer to whoever was carrying me.

Before I knew it I was being tucked into bed and a kiss was pressed to my forehead.
"Goodnight Babygirl" before the person disappeared and I fell into the land of dreams.

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