life savers

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     note : I finished vol 2 a few hours ago, I'm so distraught. writing to cope rn lol. this is based off of a conversation I had with a dear friend of mine.

Steve let himself into Eddies trailer, as he normally did on the weekends. Eddie was laying  comfortably on his couch, beer in hand. "Hey, Munson." Steve greeted while closing the trailer door behind him. "Hey, Handsome." Eddie replied, looking up at Steve with a smile before sitting up. "Whatcha watchin'?" Steve asked, handing off one of the grocery bags to Eddie. "Beetlejuice." he said, making his way to the counter near the sink.

"Good pick." Steve hummed, following Eddie. "Pfft, considering you actively enjoyed The Lost Boys, I don't know whether to listen to you or not." His curly haired boyfriend said, with a stupid grin that made Steves heart skip. The dim yellow light in Eddies "kitchen" highlighted Eddies beauty, Steve couldn't focus. "Hey, The Lost Boys is an amazing movie, sorry you don't have taste."

Steve said, shrugging and setting his brown bag on the table. Eddie just smiled and set his now empty bag by the "recycle" pile. "Thanks.. Thanks a lot for getting my groceries. I seriously appreciate it," He said quietly, opening cabinets and placing some food inside them. "Here let me repay you-" Eddie started to reach for a jar that held some savings before Steve cut him off. "No, No, Ed's. I don't mind doing this for you. I have plenty of money I can use to support you, to support us. It's what you do in a relationship." ..."In a relationship".. Eddie replayed that sentence in his head over and over again. Eddie was embarrassed he wasn't as financially comfortable as Steve was and Steve could tell. Eddie played off everything that bothered him, by pretending he was alright meant he wouldn't be looked at funny, god forbid Steve looked at Eddie in a strange way.

Eddie bit the inside of his lower lip and shut the now full cabinets. Steve walked over and hugged Eddie from behind. It was a comfortable tight hug, Steve left a long kiss on the top of Eddies head. "What? Did you miss me?" Eddie chuckled in attempt to cover up his embarrassment. "I'm so greatful for everything you do, Munson. I know that's random right now but buying you groceries every week is nothing in comparison to everything you do for me." Steve mumbled, his face resting on Eddies head. Eddie was quiet for a moment. "Yeah..?" was all he could make out.

"I really do good things for you?" he quietly asked. Steve let go of Eddie and turned him around. Eddies eyes were narrow, like he was lost in thought as he started at Steve. He cupped Eddies face in his hands. "You do. You make me so happy, Eddie. I never want you to feel different for needing certain things from me, just as I wouldn't want you to see me differently for needing things from you."

Steve said, smiling as he watched Eddie form a relieved smile. Eddie leaned in and kissed Steve. It was pretty predictable considering the conversation and how close they were. Steve hummed into the kiss, he didn't stop smiling once. They stayed like that for awhile before Eddie broke the kiss, breathing calmly as he stared at Steve.

It used to stress Steve out when Eddie would stare at him. He always wanted to know what he was thinking, why he was looking at him with such an unreadable expression. But this time, this time Steve knew the look was a look of undying and unconditional love. "I got you another six pack of beer and a surprise but, I'm gonna need another kiss if you want to see it.." Steve said, his hands falling to Eddies shoulders. Eddie looked intrigued before leaning in and kissing Steve again.

Eddie made a "mm" noise before pulling back and finishing with a "wah" . Essentially giving their kiss a "mwah!" sound effect. He had a huge smile on his face as Steve slipped away from Eddie and dug into his grocery bag. He took out the six pack and set it on the table, the condensation on the bottles shined with the lighting and the glass made a clink noise as it made contact with the table. Eddie slithered behind Steve and watched over his shoulder as Steve pulled out a large bag of the colorful candy "Life-Savers". "Holy fuck. How did you find this?! I haven't had these since I was like, like seven!" Eddie blurted out excitedly.

Steve placed the large bag into Eddies open hands. "I saw them last minute, I remembered you were talking about them with Robin once at Family Video so I just, well I figured it wouldn't hurt to buy you them. As long as you save a few for Rob, she'll kill me if she finds out I didn't get her any." Steve replied, running a hair through Eddies hair. Steve couldn't stop smiling at the sight of Eddie, which was a little cheesy but he's completely head over heels for his boyfriend, who could blame him. "You know what this means." Eddie said, looking up from the bag. "Hm?" Steve questioned. "This is like, *the* sleepover candy. We gotta watch a scary movie. We have popcorn, candy and, beer, it's perfect!" Eddie exclaimed, holding Steves free hand. " I didn't buy you any popcorn?" Steve corrected.

"Correct, Wayne bought some a little while ago, he goes to the grocery store drunk sometimes, that's how we end up with so much random food." Eddie replied as he let go of Steves hand and grabbed the box of microwave popcorn off a shelf. He turned to Steve and shook the box beside his head. "Well let's get dinner started then, after we eat we can watch a movie, how's that sound?" Steve asked, resting a arm on the table and leaning back slightly. "Sounds good to me, Stevie." Eddie hummed in reply.


There were two dirty dishes in the sink, and two boys laying on Eddies couch. Steve holding Eddie and Eddie reaching for the bag of life-savers. "What's your favorite flavor, Harrington." Eddie asked, softly. "Hm.. probably grape." Steve replied, putting Eddies hair into a loose ponytail. "I hate grape. Orange is the best. You can have all the grape then." Eddie said with a slight tone of disgust in his voice.

"Lucky you, Munson, I hate the orange flavor. The orange ones are all yours, hon." Steve said, reaching over and grabbing a purple life-saver. Steve kissed the side of Eddies head gently. "You smell like burnt." He said, definitely wasn't thinking before he said that. Eddie threw his arms up. "Not my fault the popcorn burnt! Why put a popcorn button on a microwave if its gonna be too long!" Eddie grumbled. Steve rolled his head back and laughed at this, Eddie was right but that was just their luck. As the night went on the two boys eventually fell asleep on the couch, covered in empty candy wrappers and a few pieces of popcorn scattered in their hair and on the couch during a intese game of  "who could catch more pieces of popcorn with their mouth".

The way Eddie needed Steve to eat the grape candy was just like how Eddie needed Steve to understand hes different, the same way Steve needed Eddie to eat the orange candy like how Steve needed Eddie to understand how much he means to him. And that's all they wanted.

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