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A:N : This is going to explore my headcanon that Eddie has Hypochondria which is an illness anxiety disorder. I'm somewhat projecting here but I hope you guys still like this chapter.

The buzz of the old bathroom light was all Eddie could focus on. He was staring into the toilet bowl, kneeling, shaking while his knuckles turned white at the strength he was using to hold onto the toilet rim. He was crying and his thoughts were spiraling, don't throw up, don't throw up, you're fine just get up. The fear was suffocating him, his whole body was starting to cramp from the position. His insides felt like something unimaginable.

It's been so long since he cracked he didn't know how to deal with it. He was surrounded by various medicines and spilled medication. Steve ended up waking up in the middle of the night. When he noticed Eddie wasn't in bed he decided to get up and look for him despite his tiredness. "Ed's?

" Steve called out in his normal voice. He stepped out of Eddies room and realized the yellow light from the bathroom was on. He heard Eddie gagging next and, alarmed, he hurried to the door and opened it quickly. He figured Eddie would need his hair to be pulled back after all. "Eddie?

Are you okay? " He asked, but it was more out of concern rather then an actual question. Eddies mouth was full of spit that was spilling out of the gap between his clenched teeth. "Mmgffh" Eddie mumbled. If he opened his mouth he would vomit, which meant he would be sick.

Eddie hasn't told any of his friends about his Hypochondria except for Dustin. Steve lifted up Eddies hair and knelt beside him. "It's okay, I got you, honey. " Steve whispered. Eddie shook his head.

He wasn't gonna throw up but he couldn't move. "Go on, you'll feel better after. " Steve insured. "I'm not. .

I'm not sick. " Eddie choked out. Steve saw how distraught Eddie was over this and immediately grew more concerned. Eddie started sobbing. It was loud and panicked sobbing which sent Steve into "serious" mode.

"Shh. . Shh. . Okay.

. Lean back, Eddie. " He put a hand on Eddies back, implying for him to lean against the wall. Eddie shook his head frantically while sobbing, his fingers still gripping onto the bowl. "I'm gonna help you, alright?

Everything is okay, Eddie. " He let go of Eddies hair and gently put his hand underneath Eddies, he started to carefully remove each finger from the bowl despite Eddie digging his nails into Steves hand. Steve winced silently but repeated the same process with his other hand. Eddies panied sobs broke Steves heart as he helped Eddie lie against the wall. He kept an arm around Eddies shoulder and held the side of Eddies head.

Steve picked up a few of the medicine and read the labels. Nauseous, headache, fever, trouble sleeping. . He figured three in one couldn't hurt in this situation. Although, he didn't want to give anything to Eddie until he knew what was wrong.

He reached for a unopened thermometer box that sat near the sink. He carefully sat up and grabbed it. "We're gonna take your temperature, okay Eddie? " He whispered, he didn't even know if Eddie could hear him over his crying but it was as if, after hearing that, Eddie started to calm down. Steve read the instructions and pulled out the thermometer.

"I'm gonna put this under your tongue, okay, Eddie? " Steve whispered, looking into Eddies pained eyes with a look of love and reassurance. Eddie mumbled something incomprehensible before Steve placed the thermometer under Eddies tongue. "I'm gonna go get you some water, sweetheart. " Steve rarely called Eddie that but he was honestly trying to make sure Eddie felt as safe as possible in that moment.

He walked passed the home phone that was hooked up in the kitchen, he read the post-it note that had a list of numbers written down. Steves number was there. . And Wayne's number was too. Surely this happened before.

It doesn't hurt to ask for help. Steve punched in the numbers and held the phone to his ear. "It beeped. " Eddie mumbled quietly. "Okay, honey, I'll be there in a second.

" Steve replied before the phone clicked. "Hello, Mr Munson? " Steve greeted. "Hello? Who is this?

. " The old man replied. "Hello sir, I'm Steve Harrington I'm um. . A friend of Eddies.

" Steve continued. "Mm, alright. Whats goin' on. It's late. " Wayne replied with a slight grumble.

"I know I'm sorry but listen, Eddies like. . totally freaking out right now, I found him sobbing and shaking in the bathroom. He isn't saying much. .

I tried to tell him to vomit but he looked scared to. . has this happened before? Do you know what this is? " Steve whispered into the phone, he tired to make sure his frantic tone didn't show.

Wayne let out a heavy sigh. "Yep. . Yeah I know what this is. Listen.

. Steve. He has Hypochondria, it's some anxiety illness thing, alright? He got diagnosed with it when he was real young and he was managing it really well after he got put on meds but he seemed to be getting better so he stopped taking them," Wayne muttered, tiredly. It seemed like he hasn't had to have this conversation in a long time.

"Just stay by him for the rest of the night, try and make him feel better. His prescription medication is in the bathroom if you aren't able to calm him down. He gets really moody when he has to take them so try and avoid that option, okay? Please get back to my boy and keep him safe. " Steve listened intently.

- "Yes sir. " Steve hung up and heard Eddie groaning in the bathroom. Steve hurried to the sink and filled a clean glass with water. "I'm right here shh" Steve whispered as he made his way back into the bathroom and sat down by Eddie.

He took the thermometer from him and passed him his glass of water. The thermometer read 97. 5. Eddie didn't have a fever thankfully. Eddie drank the water slowly and hesitantly looked at Steve who was already smiling at him.

"You're perfectly healthy, honey. " He said, placing a hand on Eddies heavy shoulder. He watched Eddies whole body relax. "Why. .

Why didn't you tell me? " Steve asked, quietly, moving some hair out of Eddies face. He watched Eddie tear up a little and look ahead of him. "I thought I was getting better," Eddie whispered, shamelessly. "How am I gonna be a powerful warrior if I'm scared of this.

" Eddie trailed off, some tears falling. Steve took the glass from Eddie and pulled him into a gentle hug. Sighing lovingly, Steve held the back of Eddies head. "Everyone has a fear and they have to manage it in different ways. " Eddies hand was still shaking slightly as he hugged Steve back.

Eddie was quiet for a little while as Steve opened some medicine and poured it into the small cup, he handed it to Eddie and started cleaning up some of the spilled pills and other various medicines. Steve didn't say anything either and just waited for Eddie to finish the rest of his water after taking the medicine. "Better? " Steve asked. Eddie just shrugged.

"Do you want to sleep in bed or do you want to sleep in the bathroom? " Steve asked, kneeling in front of Eddie. Eddie thought for a second, he remembered how comfortable being in bed with Steve was. Eddie reached his hand out, needing help to stand. Steve took it happily and pulled Eddie up from the bathroom floor.

Being eye to eye with his boyfriend made him happy. He stroked Eddies hair as an attempt to push down some of his hair that was standing up. Eddie sighed before eventually muttering a ; "Bedroom, please. " . Steve nodded and took Eddies hand as they walked back to Eddies bedroom.

It was a sweet moment. A moment Steve was glad he experienced so he knew how to care for his boyfriend better. Steve pulled off the shirt Eddie was wearing considering the amount of tears and spit it was now covered in. "Here, honey. You don't want to sleep in this.

" He whispered. Steve took the shirt he was wearing himself and handed it to Eddie. Steve moved the covers as Eddie pulled over the shirt and laid down. Steve laid down beside Eddie and wrapped his arms around him. Eddie pulled the sheet over them, not wanting to be too hot under a blanket.

Steve kissed the side of Eddies head a few times as he felt himself get hit with a wave of tiredness. Eddie was tired too. That took a lot out of the both of them.

"I'm so lucky to have you, Steve." Eddie whispered.

"I know." Steve replied, jokingly.

Eddie chuckled at this and Steve saw that Eddie was smiling.

Nothing could ever stop them from loving eachother as much as they did.

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