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Today is the day Eddie Munson gets to walk across the stage. As well as Nancy and Robin but they were destined to graduate from the start. Eddie aced his test and now he would finally be finished with high school and could paint his life however he wanted. His uncle, Wayne, wouldn't be able to make it to the ceremony and apologized to Eddie multiple times prior and Steve, his crush and closest friend, had a shift at Family Video. This means Eddie would be going into this all by himself. Or, at least that's what he thought. Eddie was about to walk out the trailer, gown and cap in hand before a loud tone rang in the distance. With a confused "hm?

" he set his gown and cap down on the couch and hurried to his room where he answered his phone. "Munson here" he said in a monotone voice. "Hey! " Steve cheerfully greeted. "You about to head to the school? " Steve continued. "Yeah I was about to walk out before you called me. " Eddie replied.

"Man isn't this exciting. I'm so proud of you, Eddie," You could hear the happiness in Steves voice. Eddie felt his face get warm and his heart started to melt as he leaned against his door frame, phone to his ear. "I'm sad I won't be able to see you until this evening, wanna hangout after my shift? " Steve asked. "Sounds good, Stevie. " Eddie replied. "See you later.

" Was the last thing Steve said before Eddie hung up and hurried back to the door. He really was disappointed his crush wouldn't be able to make it but he shook it off. He knew Dustin and the rest of his hellfire members would be there so he would celebrate with them, assuming Robin and Nancy would head home after. Eddie thought to himself as he walked to the school, mainly about what he would do after being done with school and how he was going to flip off the principle. The warm breeze went through his hair and made the tassel on his cap sway nicely. Steve was driving to the school. Eddie didn't know but Steve was going to surprise him by showing up and spending the rest of the day with him. He was gonna take a seat in the back and be the loudest to cheer for him.

He couldn't wait to see Eddies smile and the shine in his eyes when he was surprised. He was listening to one of Eddies tapes he kept in his car, it was a W. A. S. P song Steve couldn't name off the top of his head. He tapped his finger against the steering wheel as he drove, he was really hoping he would beat Eddie to the school so Eddie wouldn't see Steve walk in. Steve really loved Eddie, like a lot. This crush was bigger then any crush he had on one of his past partners.

He knew he wanted to be Eddies boyfriend. Was today the day he would tell him? Steve knew he was gonna hold Eddie in a tight hug, the thought made him blush and get all cheesy. He blinked back into life and pulled into the schools parking lot where cars were quickly filling up all the available spots. He parked and turned his car off, as he made his way inside he heard someone call his name. "Steve! " Robin shouted from behind him. "Oh my god, hey!

Can't believe you're actually graduating, Buckley. " Steve greeted. "Yeah me neither, Eddie isn't here yet is he? " Robin whispered, now caught up to Steve. "I hope not, I should hurry and get a seat in the back. " Steve sighed contently. "Don't worry, those fill up last. Hey uh, do you think I should make my move with Nance tonight?

She's gonna be spending the night at my house, I don't wanna freak her out or anything I just-" Steve could tell Robin was on the verge of completely freaking out as she talked quickly. Steve grabbed Robin's shoulders and looked at her seriously. "Robin. Chill out, don't have a freak out before you have to go on that stage. Nancy is definitely into you, no doubt. Plus. . " Steve hesitated.

"I think I'm gonna ask out Eddie tonight. " He whispered. Robin smiled greatly. "Go for it, Harrington. " Steve smiled back at her and let go of her shoulders, they walked towards the gymnasium where hundreds of chairs filled up half the room. They were met with one of the teachers. "Graduates go behind the stage for now, Non graduates can take a seat in the gymnasium. " She spoke with a boring voice.

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