truth be told

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A/N : part two of the kas!oneshot !! please respect what I chose to do regarding Eddie's path!
I wasn't gonna do a part two because I didn't know how to write the rest so sorry if this seems odd.

They continued staring at eachother as Dustin talked frantically on the other line. Thoughts were rushing through their heads and they both completely tuned out Dustin. "Get over here as soon as possible!" Steve's eyebrows furrowed and he looked away. "Dustin it's past midnight?!" Steve stammered. "Whatever! You don't want to deal with him much longer do you?!"

Eddie stood up to stand beside Steve. Aside from the food deal, Steve really didn't mind Eddie in this state, especially because it meant they could have more time together. But it would be easier for the both of them if he could be human again. They shared a look once again before Steve sighed. "Alright. We're on our way." He hung up and looked into Eddie's eyes, searching for how he felt. "What do you think?" Steve asked.

Eddie shifted uncomfortably. "It'll be way nicer but, I think I'd feel more comfortable if I could just be dead. Its weird being in between.." Eddie muttered, throwing on one of Steve's large hoodies to cover a majority of his wings. Steve sighed. "I know but.. Let's just see what Dustin wants to do, alright?" Eddie looked at Steve and nodded.

They started their drive to Hendersons house. It was quiet, nothing but gentle breathing could be heard. He knew how Eddie felt about all of this but he couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. God knows what a number it's done on him. In addition, Wayne still thinks Eddie is missing. Eddie hasn't been able to face Wayne which was almost the most painful thing about all of this.

Steve's hand gripped the steering wheel without realizing. The energy was tense, Steve occasionally glancing at Eddie. No emotion lingered in Eddie's face, not until they pulled into the Hendersons driveway, where his face washed over with unease. They just walked in considering his parents weren't home. The party rushed over to them, it smelt like a science lab.

"Woah, Woah," Steve put his arm out in front of Eddie as Dustin and Mike tried pulling him into the dining room. "You want to tell us what you've done?" Eddie was breathing sharply, anxiety flooding his body. "We put together a serum, we went back to the upside down and-" Steve immediately shut him down. "You did what!? You went back there!?" Steve scolded. "Whatever, Steve! We found out how we can fix Eddie! So just let us do what we need to, okay??" Dustin turned to Eddie. "You want to be normal, don't you?"

Eddie was drained beyond words. He gave a weak shrug. Everyone looked at him confused, everyone but Steve. "Can I talk to Eddie alone for a second." Steve requested. The party shared a look with eachother before walking a few rooms away. Steve turned to Eddie, but his eyes stayed looking away from him. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I don't blame you, life, death and, back to life again. It's..weird." Steve whispered.

Eddie shifted uncomfortably. "But, if you do become human again, you can see Wayne, and you can come visit me at work whenever you want. I'll take you wherever you want to go after this. We'll get you help, Eddie." He continued. Eddie anxiously played with one of his rings. "Alright, I'll do it." Eddie sighed. "Great, I have it right here." Dustin said, coming around the corner. Steve gave Dustin a disappointed look. "I told you to leave us alone for a second." Steve muttered.

"I know but we don't have much time, here Eddie take a seat at the table." Eddie and Steve shared a look before he walked over and sat down. Max, El, Mike, Will and, Lucas all stood around the table to watch. Steve held Eddie's shoulders behind him and rubbed them soothingly. "Roll up your sleeve." Dustin was tapping the end of a syringe that was filled with discolored liquid.

"Woah, Dustin. What's in that." Steve put his hand out in front of Eddie again. Eddie thought it was sweet. Like really sweet. He couldn't believe Steve was still looking out for him even in this state. "Uh, some of the serum from the demobats fangs, but we added another mix that will contradict it, essentially reversing it." Eddie bit his bottom lip as he listened. "Is that alright, Eddie?" Steve asked. Eddie just nodded and Steve rolled up Eddie's sleeve for him. "This is going to make you pretty tired but you should wake up normal again." Dustin informed, he disinfected a spot on Eddie's arm before injecting the syringe into him.

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