the nerve

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A/N : yo! I've never written a fight like this so if it's out of character for them I apologize. I also had no idea what they would fight about but I think what I chose is pretty accurate.

Family Video was busier than usual. Steve had been running around all day with Robin while Eddie sat on the counter and watched everything go down. He made comments to the customers, making some laugh while others turned away, fusturated. Steve noticed and it irritated him slightly. Eddie tried talking to Steve multiple times but was interrupted many times by customers, making Eddie irritated. There was nothing but chaos upon chaos going on.

Steve was stressing out immensely and wasn't paying much attention to Eddie. "Your total will be $10. " Steve sounded extremely tired but immediately perked his head up when the door ringed. "Hey do you have Evil Dead? ! " They called out before they walked completely inside.

"Yeah follow me. " Steve replied but before he could walk out of the middle counter, Eddie hopped down and began to offer. "Hey I know where it is, let me help-" But Steve's leg got caught in Eddie's and Steve fell forward, landing with a hard thud after Eddie failed to catch his boyfriend. It felt like everyone was staring as more people filled in and Robin glanced over while checking someone out. Eddie immediately began an apology and he started to panic, worried that he hurt the one he loved the most. But Steve yelled at him angrily.

"Fuck, Eddie! " he shouted feeling his forehead, trying to sit up as quickly as possible without getting winded. Eddie felt frozen in place "Christ don't you see how packed it is in here! ? Can't you get your own job so you aren't constantly hovering around here!?!"

Steve barked. He really wasn't thinking and the craziness was staring to get to him. Eddie was shocked. He felt his shoulders tighten as the customers fell quiet, small whispers filling the room. "Dude."

Robin muttered, more towards Steve then anyone. "Fuck you! " Eddie yelled back before hurrying out the store. "So that's a no on the Evil Dead or what? " The same customer asked, giving the other customers the sign to continue their shopping. Robin offered Steve a hand and they continued checking out customers until it started to die down.

Steve winced as Robin cleaned the spot on Steve's forehead that had been bleeding. They were uncomfortably quiet. Those hours after Eddie left were some of the most painful. "That wasn't very cool, Steve. He's your boyfriend, he was just trying to help. " She said, placing the band-aid.

Steve was so heated in the moment he didn't understand the severity of it. "I know but it was just too busy for him to be hanging around. I couldn't pay him any attention anyway. " Steve muttered. "You're right, maybe today wouldn't be the best day for him to be there but you need to communicate that to him earlier on into the shift so you don't explode on him later. You know how hard it is for him to find a job now, man.

Cmon. " She replied, putting away the first aid they never had to touch before today. That second part made him feel much more guilty than before. Steve felt himself start to tear up at the overwhelming feeling. He was angry he said that to Eddie but he was also angry he had to say anything in the first place. "Check on him tonight," Robin gave Steve a comforting hug as he nodded.

"You guys both have a reason to be upset so don't invalidate either of your feelings, okay? " Robin always had the best advice. Steve just mumbled a "Okay. " in reply. Eddie was at the door of the Wheelers house. He knew Nancy would be there to listen to him.

He was crying from confusion and shock. He couldn't believe Steve would ever yell at him the way he did a few minutes ago. He knocked on the door hesitantly and luckily Nancy was the one to answer the door. "Hey, Eddie," She greeted, giving him a small smile before noticing his tear stained face and the frown. "Oh my god, what happened? Here come inside."

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