when U loved me

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A/N : Steve and Eddie aren't dating yet like my other stories! I also mention a metal magazine that came out in 2004 so pretend it came out much earlier lol.

Eddie hopped up the stairs to the wheelers house. A pin-covered satchel swaying from his shoulder while he whistled a random tune. He knocked a few times and mike suddenly appeared in front of him. Eddie blinked and was taken aback at how fast he appeared at the door. "What's up, Eddie? " he asked with a friendly smile, Will waved from the kitchen. "Here for, Nance. How are you guys doing? " Mike moved out of the way, allowing Eddie to step inside. He gave Will a small wave to reciprocate the greeting. "Pretty good. Taking a short break.

" Mike gestured to their dnd setup at the table. No wonder he got to the door so fast. Eddie looked at their setup and smiled widely at the sight of DnD. "Sounds good. " Eddie chimed before heading up the stairs. He gracefully knocked on Nancy's door and waited for a sign he could come in. "Mhm? " Nancy hummed and Eddie allowed himself inside her room. "Hey! " She cheerfully greeted. The two had grown quite close after Vecna. All of them did but Nancy and Eddie were different.

They had a lot more in common then they initially thought and started doing almost everything together. "What's up, Drew? " She turned around and grabbed a sealed magazine off her bed. "Nothing much, believe this is yours. " she handed him his weekly Zero Tolerance magazine. "Finally, they even feature W. A. S. P this time. Last weeks volume was such a let down. " He sighed before flopping down on her bed, he tore off the plastic and flipped it open. Steve had been paying for the magazine subscription the last few months "just because".

He sends them to the Wheelers because he's there so often and it's easier for the mailman to find an actual place to deliver it. Steve and Eddie really like eachother and they've both known for a few weeks. The two occasionally hangout together but they get so flustered they can't think straight and just get high to avoid real conversation. "So~ , Robin huh? " He started, looking over the pages. Nancy was sitting in front of her mirror touching up her makeup. "Oh please," she sighed, touching her bottom lip with her middle finger, dabbing at her lipstick. "Don't get me started on your shameless flirting with Steve. " Eddie chuckled, he sat up and leaned back on his hand. Setting the magazine down. "What? Having second thoughts?

"  She shrugged and pulled out a barrette, finding a good placement in her hair for it. "No. . It's just, what if she's still hooked on Vickie? " Robins crush on Vickie faded after they didn't interact again after working at the shelter together. Robin was destroyed for days before she realized the girl she really wanted was beside her all along. "I'm telling you, the Vickie train has left the station. She's definitely interested in you. " He explained with his hands. "So, why aren't you with Steve? What's stopping you guys? " Nancy asked, standing up and taking a seat beside Eddie.

Eddie sighed and looked at his shoes. "I dunno, there's a lot that comes with dating me. I don't know if I could expect him to be alright with all of it. " She tilted her head slightly at that. "Well, theres plenty of stuff that comes with dating Steve too. You guys don't have to dump it all on eachother right away, let everything sink in! Have your honeymoon phase and enjoy it, you know? " Eddie listened to her words cordially. Looking up at her with a appreciative grin. "Think he'll make the first move? " he asked. Nancy thought for a moment before shaking her head.

"Definitely not, he'll overthink and back out. " Eddie layed down and stared at the ceiling. "Hm. . What if that's just what he wants us to think? I think he will make the first move. " Nancy layed beside him. "Bet you $10 If he doesn't. " Eddie turned his head to face Nancy, giving her a surprised expression. "When did, Drew become a betting woman! ? " they laughed and peacefully went on with their afternoon together.

Around 7pm they heard a car pull up and a few honks. Nancy was brushing Eddie's hair as he read his magazine. They looked at eachother with mutual excitement and jumped up from the bed. Eddie put his satchel over his head and slipped his shoes back on. Nancy adjusted her hair with her fingers before sliding on her own shoes. "You got cash? " Eddie asked, handing Nancy her purse. "Yeah, I'll spot you tonight don't worry. " they hurried out her room and down the stairs. "Don't you two stay up too late. " Eddie warned the two younger boys who were still at the table. They were in the middle of some intense dramatic scene.

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